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The one on the right is a black diamond solitaire. The contrast between the black diamond and the platinum band makes it eye-catching if that’s what she’s into.”

He sighs, rubbing his face.

“I don’t know, man. I mean, I know, but there are just too many I think are perfect, you know? And Mira is the kind of person who likes a lot of things, so I’m going to have to dig deep.”

“You don’t mind if we look around some more, do you?”

I laugh at his pleading eyes.

“It’s fine. I might get one, too.”

His eyebrows climb high.

“You’re getting a ring? For what? Are you…” he gasps, “finally proposing to Harper for real? Took you long enough, man. What do you say we get married on the same day?”

“I could get the venue and make the arrangements. All we have to do is pay them.

“You’ve booked a venue and you don’t have a ring?”

He groans.

“I know. I know. I’ll blame it on the fact that I’ve been so obsessed with Mira that I forgot we weren’t already married. She was the one who booked the venue by the way.”

The store attendant for the ring section points to a simple golf band, but I shake my head before Caleb can refuse and then return to the conversation.

“You’re lucky you make her happy, or she’d left you a long time ago. Wait,” something occurs to me, “wedding bands. It’s a pair, right?”

He nods. “Yeah. But when I find something I know Mira will love, then I’ll find another for me. So far, the pairs have been…not it.”

“Then custom-made,” I suggest.

A light bulb goes off in his head as his eyes brighten. Caleb snaps his fingers.

“Why didn’t I think of that? I can have it made, and since I know her birthstone, which is also her favorite gemstone, we can use that for one of the rings.”

He slaps me on the back.

“Thanks, Gabriel.”

“You’re welcome. Now, let’s get out of here and find something to eat. I’m starving.”

We inform the attendant of our option, and she looks disappointed, so I tip her for helping us out, making her day.

Caleb and I leave, but when we get through the revolving doors, he stops and turns to me.

“You were going to get a ring. Are you going to have yours custom-made?”

“I was just saying.”

“What do you mean? You need one, don’t you? I mean, the one she has on now is gorgeous, but that’s for the fake thing.”

Does he have to make me spell it out?

Placing both hands on Caleb’s shoulders, I exhale.

“It was wishful thinking if you didn’t get the memo from my tone. Harper and I are not getting married.”

His facial expression goes from what to oh to ohhh.
