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“You didn’t know who it was, and you opened the door? You know that’s how you get into trouble, right?”

A small smile appears on her lips.

“Of course, I know who it is.”

I click my tongue and shake my head. “Is this your attempt at a joke?”

“It’s bad because I’m sleepy. Come in. I don’t want to stand here all night.”

Leaving the door open, she walks away. I stand at the door for thirty seconds to a minute, staring at the other side of the threshold.

“Does she know what is about to happen?” I mutter to myself.

Harper has never allowed me access to her apartment in all the months we’ve known each other, even though she’s been in mine countless times.

And all I had to do was come at night, wake her up from sleep, and there would be no holds barred?

“Are you coming?” She calls from inside.

“I am!” I yell back, picking up the bag. I take one step forward and release a whoosh of air from my lips.

It’s just a door, but it feels sacred to finally see her space. It’s intimate to me, and I’m aware of every breath that leaves my lips as I go through the hallway, heading for her living room.

When I get there, I find Harper seated on a colorful-looking couch. Her hundred-pound fur baby, Bucky is sleeping beside the chair, but he senses me and wakes up, running over and tackling me with sloppy kisses.

Harper laughs as I attempt to keep him from tackling me to the ground under his weight and the ferocity of his affection until she comes to bail me out.

“Sit, Bucky.”

He does and she pouts at me. “He loves you, you know. But I’ll take him to one of the rooms, so he doesn’t try to maul you again.”

As she walks away, my eyes take in her apartment; the decor and the whimsical items she bought when we went decor shopping suddenly make sense. Everything seems to fit perfectly, from a large candle that doubles as a lamp to the beautiful artwork on the walls that makes up her personal space.

Harper returns minutes later and she stands next to me, whispering in my ear. “Now that you’re in, how do we celebrate this achievement?”

Chuckling, I lift the bag in my hand.

“I brought you a good French wine. And roses.”

She claps her hands in glee, striding over to where I stand.

“Wine! Roses! Now, I’m not so mad at you for interrupting my couch nap.”

“That’s how you knew I was ringing the bell.”

“I heard the knock first,” she argues.

Dropping the conversation, I pull her into my arms for a tight hug, burying my face in the crook of her neck and sniffing.

“You smell amazing,” I say.

“I know. I knew you were coming.”

I release Harper from the embrace to look her in the eyes.

“You knew I was coming?”

She nods, keeping a straight expression that lasts less than a minute before a smile curves one corner of her lips.
