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I cock my head. “Mmm. Why? Aren’t you guys supposed to, like, leave for your honeymoon?”

She shrugs but the happy light is back in her eyes.

“Yeah, but we plan on taking a whole month off. I won’t see you for a month.”

“We’ve gone a year without seeing each other,” I remind her.

Mira pats my shoulder.

“That was then. We are much closer now and…I’m worried about you. I’ll always worry, so I need to make sure that tonight you don’t get the chance to think about anything but the alcohol lined up in front of you.”

“Not sure that’s a good plan,” I reply, “but I’m down.”

“That’s the spirit.”

She raises her hand, and we high-five.

“Now, let’s go get this party started.”


Mira’s idea of a small after-party had to be the equivalent of putting me in a tight spot. We piled into cars, nine of us in five vehicles, and headed to a bar.

I was the only one without a ride-along because everyone suddenly had a partner. She wanted to call it off at the last minute, but I assured her I was fine.

I’m not bitter about everyone being a couple, but I’m the only one fresh out of a public engagement.

I was lying through my teeth and it was not my best performance, but she was too happy to see it. Just like she forgot to mention that Gabriel would be attending because I’m seated at a table for two like everyone else, staring at my half-full glass when he walks in.

Walks up to me and asks—

“Is this seat taken?”

“What are you doing here?” I ask, cocking my head and glaring at him.

He turns to Mira, who is tongue-deep in her husband, and then turns back to me.

“Mira? We met after the reception, and she said I could come. It’s supposed to be a small gathering for friends.”

I snort, folding my arms.

“Friends? Mira is not your friend.”



“Well,” I snap. “That chair is taken, so you might as well find another one.”

He nods and surveys the bar, looking for an unoccupied chair. Luck just happens not to be on my side because there are none.

“Fine,” I give in as he stands there, looking at me with those eyes. The eyes that would have melted me in an instant when we were still…together. “You can sit down.”

“Thank you,” Gabriel whispers, pulling out the chair and perching on the edge.

I can tell that he’s tense, like he has something bothering him, and the former me might have cared to ask, but I don’t want anything to do with him anymore.

This party is the last time we’ll see each other because I’m moving far away from my parent’s house and the apartment. Mira will also be going on her honeymoon, and when she returns, we might barely see each other.
