Page 102 of The Bratva's Beast

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With him next to me on the bed, I leaned into him as he kept his arms around me protectively. It might not be the wisest thing to bring up right now, but I needed to get it off my chest. "Hey Styosha? I know we never really talked about it, and I mean, I tried to bring it up that day in the car before we got so rudely interrupted, but I think I'm ready to try and have kids with you, if you want any. And, well, it doesn't have to be now, now, and obviously that's not going to happen given our current situation, but maybe in a few years we could have maybe one or two?" Yes, that was the good news I wanted to break to him before the crash.

I knew my heart was in rhythm because of the stupid monitor, but it felt like it took long pauses as tension squeezed at my chest. I couldn't pick apart Stepan's expression much after his initial surprise because it turned into something pensive in nature.

The only thing stopping us would be personal preference, and maybe our choice in profession. Other than that, we had a nice house to raise the children in, guards to protect them, and a huge line of uncles who'd scare off anyone who even looked their way; financially, we were more than stable and able, and Stepan and I were happy with our relationship.

Humming softly, Stepan leaned over and kissed my temple. "After we fully recover, we'll see. I want things with the bratva and Lilian to be completely settled before we try. The last thing I want is for Lilian or your mother to go after our child to get at us, nor do I want to bring our child while the bratva is trying to sort out the turmoil with the territories right now." It wasn't a no, so I'll take it as a win.

"Plus, I'm gonna need the time to read parenting books or at the very least need the time to watch Kolya and his kids to even see how to parent in the first place." Stepan's lighthearted comment made me giggle softly with a wince when I felt the tug in my stomach.

Tilting my head up, I smile at him warmly and lovingly. "You'll be a great father. I mean, you already take care of me perfectly fine, now just add more." I could picture it perfectly: Stepan cooking our meals, feeding the kids, playing in the yard with them, or even maybe teaching them to shoot, then he'd probably read them bedtime stories and tuck them in.

At the very least, he had a good idea from watching his siblings and helping his mother while growing up; he also had a good idea of what not to do from his father.

"I love you, Stepan, so much. YA lyublyu tebya papochka."

His lips ghosted against mine in a chaste kiss, his words whispering against my lips, "I love you too, Hanna. YA lyublyu tebya malen'kaya." Finally, he kissed me like I deserved it.

My heart leaped out of my chest as our lips became in sync with each other, the passion overloading my fragile body, causing my head to spin with pleasure.

"Fuck the next few weeks are going to be torture." Stepan groaned against my lips with a soft scowl.

"Poor Daddy can't get his dick wet, boo hoo." I teased with a snicker, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Don't think you can get away with being a brat just because you're injured and recovering. The counter doesn't stop." He warned me with a low growl, sending shivers down my spine. "Ty sobirayesh'sya byt' khoroshey devochkoy?"

"Da papochka."

Epilogue 1


~7 years later~

The fact the sound of the door closing echoed through the house meant she was hiding. As much as I didn't want to entertain her, I couldn't say no—even if I was exhausted after a long day at the office.

Well, at least she made it easy. I could see the tips of her sparkly, purple shoes peeking out from under the curtains. As quiet as a mouse, I made my way over after tossing my jacket onto the kitchen counter.

Unable to help it, I let my lips curve in a playful smirk as I pooled the curtains in my hand. "Gotch—huh? Gah!" A heavy weight landing on my back threw off my balance.

"Get him!" My precious wife squealed with a laugh as she tightened her arms around my neck and shoulders and her legs around my waist.

"Gotchu daddy!" And there was our little spitfire, pelting me with Nerf darts from her latest Nerf gun—courtesy of Lev, her favorite uncle.

Joining in on their laughter, I hooked my arms under Hanna's knees to help hold her up as I ducked my head away to avoid a bullet to the eye—toys or not, those things could still blind an eye. "Alright, alright, you got me, I yield!" No, I wasn't fake laughing, it was genuine.

Everything was always genuine regarding my family, especially my wife and our daughter, Julia. "Told you it work mommy." She gave both of us a toothy grin as she bounced in her spot, causing her little blonde pigtails to bounce.

Julia was a cute little mixture of Hanna and I. She had my hair color with her mother's volume. Her eyes were primarily brown like Hanna's but the outer edges were blueish like my eye color, so almost a hazel brown-blue. Then, she had Hanna's little button nose and roundish face, which I hope she never grows out of.

"And I didn't doubt you, I just suggested you use different shoes to make it more believable." Hanna retorted with a roll of her eyes. "Now, go put your toys away and go get ready, aunt Angel and uncle Nikolai will be here soon with your cousins."

And the little head of blonde sped past us down the hallway, filling the house with her ear-piercing screech. "YAY! NATASHA!" No matter how much my ears pounded, I couldn't bring myself to damper her excitement about her cousin.

"God, those two are going to be terrors when they grow up." I commented out loud with a chuckle and shake of my head before craning my head back to kiss Hanna's cheek.

"The future bratva queens as they like to call themselves." Hanna's playful comment settled heavily in my chest.

I didn't want my precious little princess to become a bratva queen—or anything bratva. Even if things were different now with how we ran things, I didn't want Julia to live such a tumultuous life; I wanted her to finish college, get some boring degree, marry a boring guy, and live a normal and boring life. I didn't want to be sitting at home worrying about whether my only child would be coming home alive or not or if the next time my phone went off would be to come identify her body or come recover her. I couldn't handle it.
