Page 104 of The Bratva's Beast

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We pulled our clothes on in a hurry and made our way up to the deck, where I had my rifle set up on its pod at the end of the ship. "Hon, if you brought me all the way out here to make me watch you shoot at fish, I will throw you overboard right now." Hanna deadpanned with an unamused frown.

Rolling my eyes, I chuckled as I waved her towards me, handing her a pair of binoculars once she was close enough. "Take a look at that ship ahead and tell me what you see."

The sounds of calm water brushing against the boat splashed the air as we stood in silence, and slowly, a smile broke on Hanna's face. "Oh my God, is that?" Hanna stared at me in disbelief after lowering the viewing item.

"Seven long years, and I've finally tracked them down. They'd been living their lives out at sea this whole time, which made them very hard to pinpoint, but one of my sources caught them this recent time they docked to restock." I confirmed with a nod and smile.

Reaching into my pocket, I pull out two bullets and hold it out to Hanna. "Would you like to do the honors?"

A giggle of glee squealed from her jittery body as she snatched the two carved bullets from the palm of my hands. "Not yet, I don't want them shot yet. I want to watch the horror on their face as everyone around them drops dead one by one, then I want you to put holes in their boat and make it sink, make them float in the water."

Hanna paused for a second with a wide grin on her face that would put The Joker to shame. "Please tell me we have chum or stuff to make it, please, please, please."

"Somehow I thought we might need it, so I had the crew pack some buckets of it." I planned to shoot their heads off and let the sharks devour their body; I had no idea why Hanna wanted it.

"I want to chum the water with them in it, alive, then put the bullet through their stomachs to let them bleed out to tempt the sharks more." Should I be worried about how Hanna practically jumped for joy in her spot? Maybe, but I wasn't sane enough to care or do anything about it.

"As you wish, tigress." Anything to make the wife happy; happy wife, happy life.

The thundering boom of gunshots filled the vast ocean air after I got into position and took aim. Our ship was too far away for them to shoot back with their handguns, and I snipped down every sniper before they even got a chance to raise their rifle.

Lilian and Gia hunkered down in the haul when the shooting started, but they were forced back up to the deck when the ship began to sink from the holes I put into it. As their ship sank, I signaled the captain to get closer as we'd been nearly a mile away from them.

It was amusing to see Lilian and Gia's faces light up with hope when our ship approached, only to be utterly crestfallen at the sight of Hanna and me, who stood at the deck's railing. "Guess the number seven isn't so lucky for the two of you." I joked with a dark smirk.

My nerves would finally be at peace—somewhat—after seven years. The worry of Lilian striking back had dangled in the back of my mind ever since she made her escape, and my anxiety heightened to new levels when Julia came into the world; not only did I worry about Hanna, but I fretted over Julia nonstop on top of that. Hanna could potentially handle herself fine, but Julia was just a kid.

Lilian and Gia's death was for all our sakes and sanity.

As their boat disappeared into the dark waters, Hanna and I took our sweet time chumming the water to lure the sharks—who didn't take long to appear. The turbulent waters became violent in no time with the thrashing of their feeding frenzy.

While the sharks continued to work themselves up with the two panicking women inches away from being their next meal, I picked up the other rifle I'd set up and held it out to Hanna to load the bullets. Once she was done, the weapon was back in my hands.

Unfortunately, for me, it wouldn't be a kill shot.

Bang! Bang!

The two women screamed in pain while they held their bleeding thighs just moments before they slipped into the dangerous waters.

"Goodbye aunt Lilian. Goodbye, mother. Say hi to the devil for me when you meet him." Hanna watched her two estranged family members get torn apart and devoured by the beasts of the ocean.

Then, she started crying out of nowhere, which freaked me out. "Malenkaya, what's wrong?" Instantly, she was in my comforting arms.

"They're gone. Actually gone. They're finally gone from this world. I don't ever have to worry about them anymore, ever." Okay, tears of happiness, not despair or sorrow—good.

Looking up at me, Hanna grabbed my face and brought me down into a heated kiss full of passion and gratitude.

"Thank you, thank you so much."

And the list was finally completed.

Epilogue 2


~13 years later~

" Malenkaya, do you—"
