Page 4 of The Bratva's Beast

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Nikolai seemed like the perfect man to the world, as did the rest of his four brothers—well, maybe all but one. As crazy as Lev was, he could still put up a good image for the world from what I've seen. Still, images are one thing compared to how people are genuinely underneath. Angel has sworn up and down that Nikolai has been good—almost perfect—to her, which I found to be a good thing. I had my doubts though, just because I was overprotective of her.

"Dude, he's treating me just perfectly, trust me. Besides, I wouldn't need you to get your hands dirty if he ever did truly hurt me." Angel assured me with a confident smile after rolling her eyes.

"I know you're more than capable of killing a man, but I also know how much you hate getting your hands dirty. That's what I'm here for Ange, to make sure your hands stay clean how they should be." Angel hated killing and actively avoided it at all costs. On the other hand, I was more jaded and cold to the fact.

Did I like murdering people? Debatable, depending on my mood. I wouldn't kill someone innocent, but if they deserved it, then I wouldn't mind one bit. I could sleep easy knowing I've killed someone, but Angel could never. That's why I always took the hard part of her job from her to ease her burden.

"You still thinking about dipping out of the marriage?" The idea was put out, and we've come up with plans to run away and stay hidden if she ever did decide to leave Nikolai.

Being married to Nikolai would be the last thing to do if she wanted out of the mafia life. No matter how great he was, he was the head of a big bratva, and it was doubtful he would give up his position anytime soon or ever. Angel would forever be tied to the crime world if she remained chained to him.

Sighing heavily, Angel took another shot before looking at me with a halfhearted smile. "I don't know… I mean, sure an arranged marriage was the last thing I wanted, to a Pahkan nonetheless, but Nikolai he's… I don't know… I mean, he's not bad or anything. Minus the bratva head part and he's basically perfect to me, flaws and all."

Uh oh.

She had that look on her face. Don't get me wrong, I was ecstatic for her if she finally found her person, but again, I was being protective of her. Angel deserved a good partner in life, one who'd take care of her and undo all the bad that's been done to her. I just hoped Nikolai really was the one, for her sake.

Although, I really shouldn't worry too much about it, especially after seeing how Nikolai looked at her the other night when I finally met him for the first time. The way he looked at her was something else. Even if it had only been days, I could see the devotion, adoration, and pure desire in his eyes when he looked at Angel in his arms—how I wished a blonde-haired man would look at me. That man would treat her right, no doubt about it.

"Whelp." I started with a sigh and smile, holding my shot glass up, "To happier and better futures."

"Cheers to that." Angel giggled with a grin, tapping her glass with mine before downing it. "Don't worry, once this is all over, I'll help you find your perfect psycho lover."

"As long as it's not Lev, I don't care if you match me with a trash can." I scoffed jokingly.

"As alike as you and Lev are, you two together would be hell on earth. You need someone to balance you out, not hype you up past a hundred, girl." Angel responded with a soft laugh. "You need someone more level-headed."

Angel's following words made me choke on my drink. "Like Stepan."

My throat burned as I coughed up the alcohol that went down the wrong tube. "What does he have to do with anything? You could have used any other man as an example." I argued with a soft and playful glare at my friend, who laughed in her seat.

"But no other man would get such a reaction out of you." Angel's joyful tone teased me with her smile.

"Fuck you." I scowled playfully at her while flipping her off.

"Think you'd rather have Stepan do that." She laughed in response, enjoying this a little too much.

"Oh come on, don't deny it, I saw how you looked at him when I pointed him out at the club the other night, and I saw how you looked at him when we were researching his company and there were photos of him." She gave me a knowing look and a warm smile as she tilted her head and raised an eyebrow.

No rebutting her there, not when I couldn't pry my eyes away from those enchanting blue orbs of his. The pictures I saw online did him no justice. Stepan's sharp features, his jawline and tall nose, were dimmed in the photos. His dark stubble didn't show up too well in the pictures I saw, making him look more rugged and homey in person. Did that even make any sense? To look rough but cozy and soft at the same time?

A sharp pump on the brakes threw Stepan into the back of my mind again when I reminded myself about the fact that he was off-limits. "Well, it can't happen, no matter how cute and charming he is, he's gonna be my boss if I get the job." Pretty sure office romance like that was frowned upon, and I didn't want to get stuck with the notion of sleeping with the boss for my position.

"So you do think he's cute." Of course she would only pick up on that part, typical happy-go Angel.

Rolling my eyes, I scoffed softly to myself while shaking my head. "I'm not fucking blind, not going to deny a handsome man when I see one. And I can definitely see what you meant by the Volkov men having drop-dead blue eyes. Those pictures do him no justice." Seeing those sky-blue eyes in person was something else.

I wanted to freeze the moment his mesmerizing eyes snapped to mine the very first time at the office. I could spend forever looking into his eyes like some moth drawn to a flame. Even though he had the same eyes as his brothers, his weren't as stark, which I appreciated. In contrast to his brothers, Stepan was more dirty blonde than honey brown, which made his eyes seem softer. Personally, I preferred his softer look than that of his brothers.

Even though his hair color softened his eyes, he still had an edge that made him look sharp and dangerous—a handsome devil clad in expensive clothes. If I were oblivious to his shady business, I would think nothing of him, but I knew of his bratva connection and standing. According to Angel, Stepan Volkov was no run-of-the-mill businessman; he was the family's somewhat unofficial advisor. So, it would seem like his sharp looks were paired with an equally sharp and witty tongue. Dangerous and intelligent, the kind of man I craved.

As violent of a person as I was, I didn't necessarily want that in a partner. Much like Angel suspected, I wanted someone to balance me out. Unfortunately, my venture into the endeavor has been… Not so good. Not many men want a woman who can kick their ass in a fight or put them down onto the ground, especially the ones I pined for.

The few I have found who were somewhat up my alley didn't pan out because as much as I love being the top occasionally, I didn't want to be anyone's Mommy or Domme more than half the time. It was hard to find a Dom switch who met my needs, let alone a Daddy Dom switch. Well, I also had some commitment issues, but I was being overly cautious because I didn't want to end up hurt.

Also, I just haven't found anyone who lit a certain spark in me. Or if I had, then they were off the market because they either didn't want anything serious, swung the other way, or there was some conflict regarding our views on life. Or, in this case, potentially my future boss. So, at this point, I've resigned myself to late nights at sex clubs if I really need a fix, and my own means at home.

Letting my gaze blur out, I mindlessly traced the rim of my shot glass for a few seconds before downing it with a scrunched-up face. "Did you get into much trouble for hogtying your bodyguard and locking him in the trunk of his own car?" I snickered mischievously with a smirk, glancing up at Angel through my lashes.
