Page 128 of The Beginning Of Us

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“Ohhh. A picnic.” She nods, satisfied with my answers. “Okay, that’s nice.”

My smile widens. “Yup.”

“Was there any making out involved?” Lila wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

Oh, we made out. A lot. For hours. I can still feel him on my lips, and the ghost of his touch over my body. On my face, my hips…

“What do you think?”

“I think you’re getting more action than I am.” Lila pouts.

I finish my slice of pizza and lick my fingers. My mother would have possible heart failure if she saw me licking my fingers. Riley! That’s very unladylike, she’d gasp dramatically.

I take my second slice from the box and settle against Lila’s pillows. “Well, Maddox is right there if you want some action.”

She frowns. “Maddox is my friend.”

Ah yes. Enemies to friends. How…peculiar and unexpected. I don’t know how it happened. But one day, Lila and Maddox called a truce to their rivalry. The pranks ended and they walked into Berkshire Academy as partners, instead of foes.

I even walked out to check if the sun had disappeared from the sky, because that’s how shocking their ‘friendship’ was.

I don’t know how this relationship will evolve, but it’s interesting to see Maddox softening toward Lila. His assholery has no limits, but Lila is fierce and stubborn. She knows how to handle him well. Maddox might deny it, but I think Lila has won this war.

He’s like putty in the palm of her hands and she doesn’t even realize it yet. He follows her around like a little puppy.

Or Poodle— as Lila likes to call him.

“You friend-zoned him. I bet if you ask him for sexual services, he’ll be all over you.”

“Riley!” Lila gasps. “I’m not asking him for sexual favors; he’s my friend.”

“A friend who wants to sleep with you. He’s made his intentions pretty clear. I mean, he looks at your ass more than your face.”

Lila doesn’t deny my words because she knows they’re true. She rolls her eyes instead. “Maddox is an ass man, what can I do? But we promised each other. No sex. If we have sex, it defeats the purpose of us being friends.”

There’s one thing I like about Maddox. He might be a jerk, but he respects Lila’s boundaries. “Friends with benefits,” I suggest, pursing my lips to hide my grin.

“Ugh, Riley! Stop giving me bad ideas!”

“It’s not a bad idea if you end up having mind-blowing sex. He sure looks like he knows how to work his tool. You’ve heard the girls talk, the ones who’ve had sex with him.”

“His tool?” Lila stares at me for a second, before bursting into giggles. “Seriously, I think you need to stop talking now. I don’t want to think about girls gushing over Maddox’s tool.”

“I mean, aren’t you at least curious?”

“Curious about what?”

“What his dick looks like.” I raise an eyebrow questioningly. I know my best friend and I know she’s curious by nature. I also know she must have envisioned Maddox’s dick in full detail.

Lila flushes and averts her gaze.

“You have!” I accuse, a laughter bubbling from my chest. “Look at you blushing!”

She crosses her arms over her chest, pouting. “He is my friend and guess what? I have great self-control.”

Ah…I wonder how long her so-called self-control will last.

I know it will happen.
