Page 134 of The Beginning Of Us

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I hear Riley’s voice, begging Grayson to let go of me.

He grips the collar of my shirt and leans into my face, his expression dark and thunderous. “What happened between you and Riley that night stays between the two of you,” Grayson hisses, low enough that no one else can hear him but me. “Because I know whatever happened, broke her heart and I was the one there to hold her. But don’t ever disrespect my girl like that again. I don’t care what your problem is, Colton. But grow the fuck up and keep Riley out of your mouth.”

He releases me and steps away, his jaw tight with fury. Riley makes a choked sound in the back of her throat, and she holds his hand, their fingers entwined. Grayson pushes his glasses up his nose, before steering her away from me, and I watch them disappear down the stairs.

Lila gives me a disgruntled look.

Maddox shakes his head, displeased with my stupid hostility.

I rub my sore jaw, where Grayson’s fist landed, and grimace. Leaning my head back against the wall, I squeeze my eyes shut.

I know that when tomorrow morning comes…

My sober ass is going to regret every drunken word I spoke tonight.


Grayson — 18 years old

“Grayson, wait.” Riley digs her feet into the ground, and I come to an abrupt halt. Stumbling into my back, a sound of surprise spills from her lips. “I can…explain. About what happened on Halloween night.” Her voice is meek, filled with anxiousness and worry. Scared.

I spin around, cupping her jaw between the palms of my hands. She grips the lapels of my jacket, holding on tight. As if she’s terrified I’ll somehow disappear right in front of her eyes.

I am so fucking pissed right now; I can’t think straight.

Lowering my forehead to hers, my chest shudders with a harsh exhale. “I shouldn’t have punched him, though he deserved it for being so careless with his words. But I should have controlled my anger better.”

Riley blinks.

I know my words sound a lot like an apology and maybe I am trying to apologize. I know violence makes Riley uneasy, and I hate that she has to see this side of me. I never want to frighten her, not with my strength or my fury. Riley doesn’t need to know and definitely doesn’t need to see the violence I’m capable of. I don’t want her anywhere near it.

“Colton made a scene,” she grumbles under her breath, still looking horrified by what he said back in the house. “But let me explain, please. About what he said.”

My lips brush against hers, and she looks taken aback by my sudden tender kiss. “I don’t need to know what happened between you and Colton,” I whisper into her lips, “it doesn’t matter, because you’re here with me now. You chose me.”

“It was never a choice between you and him,” she breathes softly.

My heart stutters.

I think I was scared to hear her version of what happened that night.

I don’t want to know what went on between them. Whatever physical happened, I picked up the emotional pieces of Riley that night.

She chose to stay in my arms.

She chose to trust me.

Whatever happened between Colton and her is in the past. Colton might have made it sound like something was going on between them, but I know Riley.

My girl is loyal to the core.

Our relationship was built on longing and trust.

Feelings we didn’t quite understand then, but are clearer now.

Her lips move under mine, tentative at first before Riley pushes herself on her tiptoes and deepens the kiss. “Grayson?” My name is a question on her lips.

I break the kiss and pull back enough to stare down at her wide, glassy eyes. “Yes?”
