Page 141 of The Beginning Of Us

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She advances forward with a slow step. “Imagine the chaos this will bring if those photos go public? You’re planning to run for Governor of State, aren’t you? But who would want an abusive asshole as their governor? Tsk, tsk. Mr. Johnson, you have a dilemma on your hands.”

My jaw comes unhinged. Oh, God!“Lila! Enough, please,” I hiss, trying to motion for her to stay quiet, but she doesn’t glance at me. Her focus is solely on my father.

Panic wells up inside me, my heart shooting to my throat.

The shaking begins, my nails digging into the palm of my hands. I am stuck between wanting to run away, and standing beside Lila so that she doesn’t have to face my father alone. For me.

But I am a weak, weak girl.

I am brave.

No, that was a pretty lie.

I am brave.

Stupid and feeble Riley.

Always needs someone else to fight her battles.

Stupid… stupid…stupid.

Why can’t I move?

I can’t speak…

I can’t…

My chest tightens and the floor sways underneath me.

“I know what girls like you want,” my father states calmly. Through blurry vision, I see him taking out his check book. “How much, Miss Garcia?”

My stomach twists painfully, sweat beading across my forehead and down my back. Lila tosses her head back, letting out a dry laugh. “I don’t need your filthy money. All I’m saying is that you will let Riley go to Harvard as she wants and these photos won’t make it for public consumption. I’m not here for a discussion. I’m here to tell you how it’s going to go. That’s all, Mr. Johnson.”

“Lila!” My voice bellows, surprising all of us, myself included. Her brows furrow in confusion, and I shake my head at her. A tiny, desperate shake. Please, please…don’t do this.

Maybe she finally sees the panic on my face because her lips thin into a straight line. Her jaw tightens defiantly, her fists clenching at her sides as she fights with herself. To stay silent, to not fight back. I swallow dryly, unable to wet my parched throat. “Leave, please. This is between me and my father.”

A pang of regret courses through me when her features twist with hurt. “Leave,” I practically beg this time.

Lila snatches the phone from my hand and stalks away. Her feet stomp against the floor, as she silently rages. As soon as her figure disappears past the door, my father tsks darkly. “Your friend is quite bold. Braver than you, I have to admit. She’s got some backbone, but she’s a clueless, little thing. If she messes with the wrong people, her boldness can get her killed.”

My blood runs cold, my heart stammering in my chest. My lungs squeeze with agony, until I am choking on my spit, trying desperately to breathe.

I flinch when my father lurches toward me, his hand snaking out to grip my jaw. His fingers dig into my cheeks and a painful whine spills from me. “I can make her disappear, Riley. And I will, if you don’t have her delete all those photos. So tell your little friend to watch her mouth next time. Tell her to be very careful before crossing me again.”

He brings his face closer, his spittle landing on my cheeks. “You know what I’m capable of.”

“Yes,” I whimper quietly.

“I don’t have to get my own hands dirty, Riley. She may be bold, but she’s powerless. I can and will make Lila disappear. She has no one to protect her. And guess what? Her old, poor grandparents will mourn for their precious granddaughter, and you’re going to cry with them, while knowing exactly what happened to your little friend. You will live with the knowledge that you caused her demise.”

I suck in a harsh inhale as my stomach contracts into a tight ball. A wave of acid wells up in my throat, and I fight the urge to gag as mindless panic runs through my veins.

“Do you understand what I’m saying?”

I nod mutely, choking back on my sob.

“Good girl,” my father praises, finally releasing his tight grip on my jaw. “You can have Harvard, but I will be choosing what you do. You don’t get a choice anymore, Riley. You will be studying sociology, and then you’re going to law school. That’s not up for discussion.”
