Page 149 of The Beginning Of Us

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She’s late because we had one last fuck against the door, when she had been about to leave. “Go,” I mouth into her lips, kissing her softly. One last time.

Riley smiles, and then she’s gone.

The door clicks closed behind her, and suddenly, I am filled with cold emptiness. Raking my fingers through my hair, I let out a frustrated growl. How can I be lonely already when she was just in my arms two seconds ago? Her vanilla scent is still all over me. My skin still tingles from her touch. Fuck, I can still smell her on my fingers.

I stomp over to my fridge, taking out a bottle of cold water. I guzzle it down in three large gulps, tossing the empty bottle into the trash before making my way to the living room.

I hear a whistle.

My heart stammers.

I recognize that whistle.

My head snaps to my left, my gaze sweeping over my opened balcony. The glass doors had been closed. I remember closing them…

How are they open?

Adrenaline pumps through my cold veins, and my blood roars between my ears.

My father rounds the corner, appearing on the balcony like a fucking ghost. A shadow I should have noticed, should have seen…

But I didn’t because I had been too preoccupied with Riley.

He steps into my living room, still whistling. There’s a dark look in his eyes, and his smirk is disturbing. Sinister.

“I have to say,” he drawls, still smirking. “That was quite an interesting show. Your little girlfriend has such a sweet, adorable moan. She’s got a nice pair of tits though.”

My stomach revolts, feeling both sick and enraged.

He…was watching us? Fuck.

I stalk forward, fury pumping through my veins. “You broke into my house.” I growl menacingly. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

He raises his hands up in mock surrender. “I came to visit my son. Didn’t know you had a girl over. I was giving you two some privacy, while enjoying the show.”

“What are you doing here?” My fists clench at my side, trying to rein in my wrath. I can’t piss him off…I have to stay on his good side, even though all I want to do it is snap his fucking neck. But I can’t.

I can’t because I need to keep up the act.

Estranged father who reconciled with his son.

He told me his dark secrets and I played along. But Harrison Avery is still hiding a lot more than what he told me. And I need to find out what’s beyond the veil of his lies.

I am, after all, the bait. An implant.

I am the only person capable of ending my father’s cruelty.

But in trying to lure Harrison Avery out of his wretched den…

I put Riley in danger.

My stomach drops with the realization.

Goldilocks is my weakness, and my father knows that. He’s a cruel, unfeeling bastard. When the time comes, he will use her against me if he has to.

“I need you to deliver something for me,” he says calmly, as if we’re discussing the weather. He strides over to my couch and sits down, stretching his legs out in front of him. His body is pale, his skin almost translucent. He has lost more weight since the last time I saw him, three months ago. “You’re the only one I trust with this cargo.”

My eyes flare with surprise. Could it be? Is this what I’ve been waiting for? I’ve been working on gaining his trust, trying to find a way for him to include me in his filthy business.
