Page 156 of The Beginning Of Us

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I shove my hand into my pocket, taking out the mint candy I have kept there. I leave it on Riley’s nightstand, and then walk away.

See, I can be civil.

Lila has nothing to worry about.


Riley — 19 years old

Grayson’s betrayal pained me.

But I think what truly shattered me was the day I stopped receiving his yellow lilies.

Even when we were apart, Grayson made sure I never went a day without them. A gift from him to me. The day I moved here, he had contacted the local flower shop near me, and paid them extra to deliver a single yellow lily to me Not one day was ever missed.

His phone call and cruel words left me bleeding from the inside.

But the next day, when I waited for that yellow lily…and it never came, that’s when true anguish set in. That’s when I knew it was really over. I waited by the door, for that familiar knock. I waited a whole day, and when it was finally nightfall, that’s when my soul sank into utter despair. Everything felt so final. The reality of my heartbreak hit me and I crashed into violent agony.

Loving Grayson Hale was my death throes.

I just never thought I’d see this day. For the longest time, I’d wrapped myself into the fantasy of love and romance, thinking this was my forever. My happy ending.

God, I had been so fucking blind.

Two weeks have gone by since the night he broke my heart. I tried calling Grayson multiple times, wanting an explanation and needing to vent my anger. A part of me wants to beg him to love me again.

But he never picked up any of my calls.

He completely shut me out, as if I never existed in his life. As if he had only been a ghost in mine. A mere illusion I created to deceive myself.

But oh, it was such a sweet deception.

His words still echo in my ears, and I wonder how much truth there is in them. Had I really been so foolish? So desperate to be loved that I fabricated the Grayson I love in my head? He said I saw and believed what I wanted to see…

But I simply saw what he showed me.

“It’s not my fault that you fell for someone who was not real. It was your own damn delusion and you recklessly got your heart involved.”

Was everything…fake, and I was too blind to see it? Who is the real Grayson then?

I am so confused and Grayson had refused to give me closure. Now I’m left hanging on to the broken threads of my love and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to move on.

I know Lila is extremely concerned about me and I hate that I’m giving her trouble. I hate that Grayson walked into my life, only to leave behind a hurricane of heartbreak. And now I’m forced to pick up the pieces.

Grayson was the warmth I craved and the safety I needed…

But now the mere thought of his name brings me misery.

I seem to always end up attracting the wrong guys. First Jasper. Then Grayson.

And now there’s him.

Colton Bennett has been following me around like my goddamn shadow.

“Can you stop doing that?” I growl, walking into the library. My shift starts in five minutes. Spinning around on my heels, I turn to face him and cross my arms over my chest.

Colton is wearing dark jeans and a black sweater. His brown hair is messy, as if he has been constantly raking his fingers through it. His brow shoots up. “Doing what?” he asks, feigning innocence, but I’m not falling for that.
