Page 164 of The Beginning Of Us

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My heart drops to the pit of my stomach, and I suddenly feel nauseous. I had been thinking of friendship…while Colton was using me as a pawn. God, I really am a fool. How many times will I mistake lies for kindness?

Jasper’s disgusting betrayal.

Grayson’s heartbreaking deceit.

Colton’s convincing insincerity.

I’ve been made into a mockery by all the men in my life.

My hurt morphs into irrational fury. How dare he? How dare he use me?

I’m no one’s fucking pawn.

Frustration simmers in my veins. My eyes shoot open, no longer feeling the need to feign sleep. I’ve heard enough. I sit up straight and the blanket falls from my shoulders to my lap. Both Maddox and Colton's attention snap to me.

They must have seen the look on my face — the rage burning right under the surface, because Maddox grimaces in response. Colton’s eyes widen briefly, before a cold mask slams over his expression. They know I heard their conversation.

Maddox cradles Lila in his arms and rises to his feet. “I’ll take Lila back first.”

And then he’s gone.

Leaving Colton and me alone.

I come to my feet. He stays seated, cold and detached. Expressionless. I can’t read him at all. But I don’t have to try anymore. I’ve already heard the truth.

I slowly advance toward him. “So, I am a pawn in your elaborate scheme to piss off your father?” I ask sharply. “When were you going to tell me that? After you would have somehow coaxed me into your bed? After you fucked me and then what? You have the last laugh.”

I come to halt in front of him. Our knees touch. His body is tense, not a single muscle twitches. My fists clench at my sides.

His dark gaze meets mine with clear indifference. And that irks me more.

I hate that even for a minute I considered Colton to be a…friend. No, he’s truly the devil’s spawn. “Just when I was starting to care for you,” I hiss furiously. “Just when I started thinking that maybe, just maybe, you’re nothing like Jasper. Just when I was starting to think you were different.”

“Jesus, Riley.” Colton cuts me off, rolling his eyes. “Are you that desperate to keep believing in any guy who shows you a bit of kindness?”

I flinch as if he slapped me. If anything, his words actually hit like a slap. They hurt more than they should have. A burning pressure fills my chest. How can he be so vindictive?

Who was the man who held me all night during the storm? Because that man is not the same one sitting in front of me right now.

This Colton makes me hostile.

My lips curl back with a bitter snarl. “You turned out to be exactly who I thought you were,” I spit out, my words scathing. “A rich, spoiled boy who thinks everything and everyone is purely entertainment to him.”

I briefly see a crack in his cold, detached expression. But I don’t care anymore.

My whole body shakes with the force of my fury.“Jasper ruined my life because I was a bet to him. I’m not going to let you do the same. I won’t be your pawn, Bennett. Find someone else to play your stupid games with, because we are done here.”

I don’t spare Colton another glance; I can’t bear to. Spinning around, I stalk away from him and his hideous deception.

No more.

I don’t think my soul can take another beating.

I am Riley Johnson.

Hopeless. Weak. Failure. Worthless.

Smart. Brave. Strong. Worthy.
