Page 183 of The Beginning Of Us

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His grin widens and then he’s pressing a tender kiss to the corner of my lips. “I’ll be outside. Hurry, don’t make me wait too long.”

I nod in response. Colton releases my waist, only for him to grasp onto my hand, our fingers intertwining. He takes me by complete surprise when he spins me around twice before letting go. Colton winks and then he’s striding away.

My eyes slide over to my father. The tension of the ballroom is palpable; I can taste the bitterness of it all on my tongue.

My father finally moves, like a statue coming alive. He takes a threatening step toward me. An invisible fist squeezes my lungs, but I raise my chin and straighten my back, giving him my best assertive stare. I slowly shake my head, the small gesture barely noticeable, but he sees it anyway. His steps falter.

I smile coldly.

This is my moment, a silent statement to my father.

Without sparing anyone else a glance, I spin on my heels and walk away. I can feel their nasty judgments and their stares burning into my back, but it doesn’t bother me anymore.

Six years ago, I experienced the most humiliating night of my life, and it shattered everything in me, leaving my soul wounded and bleeding. No one stood by me, not even my parents. Six years ago, I lost a battle.

Tonight, I’m taking it all back.

Making new memories, turning the pain into victory.

When I make it outside, I inhale deeply, breathing in the crisp air of winter. It’s cold, and my attire is not the best for this weather.

A shiver racks my body as I look around the parking lot, trying to spot Colton. When I see him, my belly pools with warmth. He’s leaning against his black motorbike, ankles crossed. We both move at the same time, meeting halfway.

I feel this gravitational pull toward Colton, an undeniable connection that seems to tug us closer everyday. It’s strange, but I don’t hate this feeling anymore.

I’ve stopped fighting against it too. When he’s finally standing in front of me, that’s when I notice the backpack. Colton opens the zipper and pulls out a black leather jacket.

Without a word, he drapes it over my shoulders and waits for me to put my arms through the sleeves and then he’s buttoning me up. His rich and earthy scent surrounds me. He smells so good; it’s almost addictive.

Colton tugs the collar higher, so my neck is covered. And then he’s kneeling down in front of me, taking a pair of white sneakers and socks from the backpack.

I gape at him. “You came prepared.”

He chuckles deeply. “I was already planning to steal you away tonight. The best part is you going along with my reckless plan.” Colton lifts his head, staring up at me. “Brave girl,” he praises tenderly, his voice slightly huskier than before.

He makes quick work of removing my heels for me, and then drags the woolen socks on my feet before helping me into the sneakers. They fit me perfectly, my exact size.

When he’s done, he rises to his full height. Towering over me.

Colton grins wickedly. “Your carriage awaits, milady.” He gestures toward his motorbike.

“That’s a fancy carriage.” I find myself teasing.

The idea of running away with Colton Bennett feels exhilarating.

But first, I need to make something clear.

“I’m letting you steal me away. In my father’s eyes, you are the villain right now and the news will soon reach your father. They are going to be pissed off,” I tell him cautiously, still a little breathless. “I don’t know what you’re expecting from this scandal or from me…but I want to make something clear. No sex tonight.”

Colton raises an eyebrow, mischief dancing in his eyes, and there’s something so sexy about that half-smirk on his face. “No sex tonight,” he agrees far too easily.

Maybe it’s foolish of me, but…

I trust him.

He climbs onto the beast of a bike before offering me a helmet. Colton helps me buckle the chin strap, his fingers lingering longer on my jaw before he pulls down the visor of my helmet. I straddle the bike behind him, wrapping my arms around his middle.

