Page 184 of The Beginning Of Us

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I wonder if he can feel the loud beat of my heart against his back.

“Ready?” he asks, his gloved fingers brushing over the back of my hand. Almost like he’s trying to reassure me that everything is okay, that I am safe with him.

“Ready,” I breathe.


Colton — 21 years old

We rode for an hour.

Until we reach the winter carnival I wanted to bring Riley to.

The feel of Riley’s arms around my middle, clutching me like I’m her lifeline or, somehow, her salvation. She doesn’t need to say it out loud, I know I’ve gained her trust. Two years of patience…

She trusts me to keep her safe, to protect her.

It feels like I’ve won the fucking lottery.

The winter carnival is supposed to be my surprise for her. I’m trying to sneak in a little date, without Riley noticing.

But then, she’s sharp and intelligent. I know she’ll catch on soon.

I wait for her to descend safely from the motorbike before I climb off too. Riley removes her helmet and looks around her in absolute awe. “I’ve never been to a carnival before,” she whispers, her eyes bright with curiosity as she takes in everything.


Warmth spreads across my chest and fills my lungs. I didn’t know she’s never been to a carnival before, it makes my surprise even more special now.

My stars have finally aligned. It’s all happening the way I want it to. Now I just have my debt left to collect, and once I do that— I’ll have everything I’ve ever wanted.

My eyes rove over her face, staring at her flushed cheeks. There’s still time left to collect what I’m owed, but Riley is not ready yet.

In the meantime…

I’m going to give her the best memories tonight; memories she’ll never want to forget.

I grasp her hand in mine, and she looks down briefly at our entwined fingers before going back to staring at the glowing Ferris wheel. She doesn’t pull away from my touch.

“Wanna ride the Ferris wheel?” I ask, still watching her. I can’t seem to tear my eyes away from her face. She’s just so goddamn beautiful. And cute.

Riley nods excitedly. “Yes! Can we? I’ve never been on a Ferris wheel before.”

She’s like a kid, innocent and eager in her curiosity.

I grin, brushing my thumb over the back of her knuckles. “We’re going to change that tonight.”

It’s a little late and the carnival closes in an hour, so most people have already left. The crowd is dwindling. We make our way to the waiting line of the Ferris wheel. There’s only a couple before us. I pay for our tickets and then nudge Riley to get into the empty seat, before I slide in next to her.

The girl operating the machine closes the metal bar around us and locks it, before the Ferris wheel starts moving again. Our booth sways back and forth. The higher we go, the tighter Riley holds onto the metal bar until she’s got a death grip on it. Her knuckles turn white, and her wide eyes are too big for her face.

“Are you scared of heights?” I ask, pulling her fingers away from the metal bar and holding her cold hands between mine. I bring them up, closer to my mouth, and blow, trying to circulate some heat with my warm breath.

Her chest rattles with a sharp exhale. “I didn’t know until now, but I think I might be.”
