Page 59 of The Beginning Of Us

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“At least you won’t end up an addict now.” I quirk up an eyebrow when he huffs grumpily. “You’ll get the help you need here, and when you’re ready — you can come back home.”

Cole sits back, and I can’t help but smile at the act of petulance that he’s showing. He’s angry at me, but I know he’ll never hate me.

Deep down, he knows I did the right thing.

And Cole…I don’t think he has the heart to hate anyone. He sees the positive in people, he searches for good in the world. His momentary relapse that caused him to become addicted didn’t change that side of Cole. The side that chooses to see the light in whatever abyss he’s been thrown into.

Me, on the other hand?

I’m awaiting doomsday. Life has poured misery into me, creating poison in my soul. My expectation of the capacity of good in people has been crushed over and over again. I’ve come to absolutely despise humanity. We’re monsters filled with avarice; we live in a wicked, corrupted world. And some days, all I can think about is how I want to set the fucking world ablaze.

Cole says I’m a hateful person.

I guess I am.

Because there’s a deep-rooted hostility inside me, breathing bitterness into my soul — where resentment festers like an uncontrollable inferno.

A dangerous, aggressive distaste toward everything and everyone.

I’ve come to hate the world and the people in it.

Except Cole and Maddox. They are the only people who matter — the only people I’d risk my life to save if the world was ending.

And with my hate, comes the need to willfully piss off everyone around me. Because the only way to see what truly lies underneath their perfect mask — a pretty facade, is to drive them mad. Anger makes us see what is real.

Anyway, I can’t lie. Pissing people off is entertaining to say the least. They always take everything so seriously, which means it’s easy to get on their nerves. And people like that are easily broken.

I’ve never met anyone yet who hasn’t proven me wrong.

But the day I do — I’ll get on my fucking knees.

“Does Sienna know you’re here?” Cole snaps his fingers in my face.

I tense at the mention of Sienna. Clearing my throat, I simply shrug. “Can’t really hide anything from her. It’s like she has ears everywhere. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s got a bunch of secret cameras in the house.”

Cole doesn’t laugh at my joke. “I don’t trust her.”

My hackles immediately rise at his words, and I tilt my head, studying my brother closely. “What do you mean?”

“There’s something off about her,” he says tiredly, before a rubbing hand over his face. He’s got a bit of gruff on his cheeks and chin. “I don’t know…but what does she gain by helping us, or lying for us? And I’m not trying to judge her, but her motives are questionable. She married Dad, and he’s two decades older than her. I mean, it’s not love. That’s for sure. Dad is incapable of love.”

“Money,” I deadpan. “Money makes people do crazy shit.”


“I got this. I can handle both Dad and Sienna on my own. Until you get back home.”

Cole gives me a look — not exactly a glare, but it’s close. “I’m still mad at you,” he reminds me, ruefully.

I wave a flippant hand. “You’ll forgive me. I’m the asshole brother; you’re the good brother. You have to forgive me.”

His lips twitch with a slight smirk.

And I know we’re all good.


Cole and I get to our feet, and I go around the table. Clasping his shoulder, I tug him toward me into a half-hug. “Two more weeks and then you’ll come back home. You got this, I know you do.”
