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“Use that tiny brain of yours, Harrison,” I drawl tonelessly. “I haven’t seen Riley in years.”

“You’re saying you don’t love her?”

My lungs contract with such a force that I’m afraid they will fold in on themselves. Harrison is smart and cunning, so I know it’ll be hard to deceive him.

But I’ve been laying down the groundwork for years now. I’ve created a separate image of myself in Harrison’s eyes.

Grayson Hale—The heartless womanizer.

The man who uses women like it’s his favorite hobby and then drops them like trash. I needed to fit in with Harrison Avery, so I had to be what he was.

If there was one thing I hated the most about my job…it was exactly that.

Playing the part of an evil man.

“No, I don’t love her,” I confess nonchalantly, sounding bored and uninterested. “C’mon, Harrison. I’ve been with more girls than I can count over the last few years. You know it. We’ve both been frequent visitors at Club 95. So, you got the wrong girl here.”

Riley’s breath hitches.

A gurgled laughter erupts from Harrison’s throat. “Oh, yes. I remember blondie from the last time we were there. She sucked your dick good, boy. Too bad I had to snap her neck while I was inside her. She was making too many ugly noises.” His eyes darken with an evil gleam. “In fact, blondie reminds me a lot of someone.”

He leers at Riley. “And you, pet. You don’t love him?”

I can hear her swallowing. “No,” she says, her voice quaking with panic. She’s playing along. Good girl.

“You don’t love him; Grayson doesn’t love you. Perfect, he’s not going to mind when we have a little fun together. Me and you, pet. Come to me.”

Goddamn it.

His focus is pinned on Riley and when she doesn’t move, the sound of his gun cocking into place fills the silence between us. He points the barrel at my head. “Don’t make me ask again. I will blow his brains out and have his blood splatter all over your face. Come here.”

The distance between Harrison and me is too wide. If I move, I won’t have enough time to reach for his gun and I have no weapons on me. Fuck.

We’re trapped.

And I can’t…

I can’t risk making the wrong move.

Because Riley—

She’ll be hurt.

And I can’t allow that.

“Pet,” he growls low in his chest. “Now, or he dies. Trust me, I’ll enjoy it.”

His finger twitches over the trigger.

“No!” Riley shrieks. “Wait, I’ll come to you. Just…don’t shoot him. Please.”

I hiss under my breath. “Riley.” My heart stutters in morbid panic and absolute dread.

“It’s o-okay,” she stammers softly, loud enough for only me to hear.

Riley stands up on shaky legs and walks toward Harrison. Her balance is slightly off, and her body sways from side to side. But her shoulders are squared and she keeps her chin up and high, staring at Harrison without cowering.

He beckons for her to come closer. When she’s within arm’s reach, he lunges toward her. His hand goes to her hair, wrapping her silky strands around his fist and he roughly pulls her head back.
