Page 43 of Bark Or Bite

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“When did Pemberly die?” asked Ian.

“According to the autopsy reports,” said Riley, staring at the men, “he died thirteen months ago while working in the lab. He ‘accidentally’ stuck himself with an experimental drug, which caused a massive stroke and killed him.”

“Do we believe that bullshit?” frowned Pork.

“I do not,” said Riley. “Every researcher knows to take extra precautions while working on experimental drugs. You’re usually wearing two or three layers of gloves thicker than latex gloves. You wear masks, protective gear, all of it. Pemberly was a professional and had been working in the field of cardiology for years. This wouldn’t have happened to him. I’d stake my reputation on it.”

“That I believe,” nodded Antoine. “She definitely didn’t want us there. The only reason we were allowed inside was because Hannu was with us. Even then, she was rude as shit to him and treated us like dogs.”

“Speaking of, she was operating on dog organs,” said Gabe.

“What?” gasped Riley. “That’s illegal! It’s immoral and illegal. She doesn’t have authorization to do that.”

“We know, honey,” said Antoine. “We’re going to have to find a way to get back in there, but we need the other three men who are taking these puppies to confirm the case against her.”

“Hi, Mr. Nine?” said Jamie.

“Jamie, brother, please don’t call me Mr. Nine,” said the man, shaking his head. “Just Nine. Okay?”

“Yes, sir. I have a man that just called asking about taking a dozen of the puppies. They saw the post on the social media board. When I asked him why he wanted twelve, he got nasty with me. Said it wasn’t any of my business and asked if I wanted them gone or not. I told him that my bosses were gone for the day, but if he wanted to come up to the facility, I’d sell them to him.”

“Good job, Jamie,” said Nine, slapping the young man on the back. “Stay here. We’ll head back there and meet our little friend. Did he give a name?”

“All he said was Gren.”

“Grenvil Borden,” recited Code as they took the ATVs toward the sanctuary. “Thirty-two. Arrested twice for armed robbery, did four years in prison. Since that time, he’s been arrested on suspicion of animal abuse. Charges were thrown out since they could never actually find any victims. Twice, the police were called when the neighbors heard a disturbance with him and his girlfriend.

“The girlfriend declined to press charges, despite being beaten to shit. Last time, the officers refused to leave, citing that they had the ability to press charges given her appearance. Problem was she disappeared, and no one was available to testify against him. He was born and raised in north Louisiana by an elderly aunt. That’s all we have.”

“It’s enough,” said Nine. “Sniff, you’re playing the role of Jamie. I mean, you did almost kill him.”

“Very funny. If I die, you’re going to have to explain it to my wife.”

“You’re not dying,” said Gaspar. “I’ve finally gotten used to you.”

“Finally? We’ve been married for decades!”

“Yep. And I’m just now used to you,” smirked Gaspar. Antoine slapped his back.

“He’s joking, brother. We loved you from the start. Just don’t do anything to piss him off.” Sniff just stared at them, not amused at all. He waited at the gate for the truck to appear. Gren told Jamie that he was about thirty minutes away, and it had taken them that long to get back to the sanctuary and in place.

“Still no sign of him,” said Sniff into his comms.

“Just relax. He’s probably making sure you’re the only one here,” said the men from their hiding spot. There was a small building at the entrance to the sanctuary where they could choose to meet people that they didn’t know. From the outside, it looked like the sanctuary itself, but it was so much smaller there was no way for them to fit all their animals inside.

Right now, it was the only thing between Sniff and their man.

“Car pulling up,” said Ian, peering through the binoculars. “Only one man inside.”

As the car pulled in, parking in the allotted spot, Sniff stepped outside the building.

“Evening. You must be Gren. I’m Jamie. We spoke on the phone.” He held out a hand, but the man just sneered at him.

“I ain’t much on hand shakin’. I’m just here to get the pups,” he said.

“Okay, cool,” said Sniff. “I’m still curious what you’re doing with all of them, though. That’s a lot of puppies to take care of.”

“You a fucking Florence Nightengale for animals?” he growled. “I’m offering a grand for a dozen of them. You givin’ them to me or not?”
