Page 15 of My Hero

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“Who are they going to help? The Boone and Gibbs guys?” I shot back, feeling a surge of anger at the thought of those responsible for the chaos in our lives getting away with it.

Yarder tipped his head to the side, his gaze unwavering. “More than likely, yes. They’ve got a lot more power than a motorcycle club from Texas does.”

“But they tried to kill the club, and now they are coming after me,” I protested, my voice tinged with desperation.

“I doubt either of them dirtied their hands with either of those things. They’re calling the shots, and I’m sure the trail will not lead back to them,” Yarder explained, his tone resigned.

If the police couldn’t help, then who would? “Then what are you guys going to do?” I asked, feeling a sense of helplessness creeping back in.

Yarder’s response was a simple, “Don’t worry about it, Poppy.”

I tipped my head to the side, studying him intently. “You do know all I’m going to do is worry about it, right?”

A small smile tugged at the corners of Yarder’s lips. “I know you are, but I’m hoping you’ll be distracted by all the chaos of the clubhouse that it won’t cross your mind much.”

The chaos around the club was indeed overwhelming, but it was a temporary distraction from the looming threat hanging over us like a dark cloud. “But what about when I’m in the room at night with nothing to worry about except for two guys trying to kill me?”

“I guess I’ll just have to make sure you’re never alone.”

I shifted in my seat, feeling a knot forming in the pit of my stomach. “I don’t even see you come in the room, and the only way I would even know you sleep on the couch is the blanket I have to fold every morning that is draped over it.”

“I’m there,” he said softly, his words resonating with a quiet intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

Oh, I knew he was there. Each time I folded his blanket, I caught a strong whiff of his cologne, a scent that lingered in the air long after he was gone. All I wanted to do was bury my head in the blanket and breathe him in, seeking solace in his presence.

The day I met Yarder, all I wanted was for him to wrap me in his arms and never let me go. I could tell instantly he was a protector, a man who would do whatever it took to keep those he cared about safe. When he told me he was the president of the MC, it made sense. He was a leader, a man accustomed to shouldering the burdens of others.

“Maybe it would be nice to actually see you for a few minutes and not just see the evidence that you were in the room,” I suggested tentatively, hoping to bridge the gap between us. Sure, I had been pretty much sleeping the past two days, but there were times when I was awake and he wasn’t there.

“I’m a busy man, Poppy.”

“You must be if you can only sleep for a couple of hours a night,” I remarked, unable to shake the feeling that there was more to his sleepless nights than he was letting on.

“Sleep doesn’t come easy for me, never has,” Yarder admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability.

“Too many things on your mind?” I ventured, reaching out to him in silent understanding.

“Something like that,” he drawled, his gaze drifting away momentarily before returning to meet mine.

Before our conversation could delve any deeper, Olive’s voice broke through the tension, drawing my attention away from Yarder’s gaze.

“Poppy, come play a game with Rocky. I’m sick of getting my butt kicked by a ten-year-old,” she called from the pool table, her laughter infectious.

Yarder nodded in Olive’s direction. “Go on. Get to know Olive and Rocky.”

But my thoughts were consumed by Yarder, by the enigma he presented, by the emotions swirling beneath the surface. “What if I want to get to know you?” I blurted out, unable to suppress the question that had been lingering in the back of my mind.

“Not much to know, babe. I can guarantee you’ll have a better time getting to know Olive and Rocky,” Yarder replied, his tone casual but his eyes holding a hint of something more.

I didn’t think that was true at all. There was so much I wanted to know about Yarder, about the man behind the tough exterior. But for now, I would play along, biding my time until I could uncover the secrets he kept hidden.

I slid off my stool, feeling a rush of nerves as I glanced at Yarder. “Maybe later, after dinner, when I’m watching a movie, I can get to know you,” I suggested, trying to sound casual despite the butterflies in my stomach.

Yarder didn’t say anything, but the way his eyes sparkled in response sent a thrill coursing through me.

I made my way over to Olive and Rocky, their playful banter already in full swing.

“I hope you are better at pool than Sloane is at baseball,” Rocky teased, a smirk playing on his lips.
