Page 21 of My Hero

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We all paused, then burst into laughter.

“Oh my god,” Olive chuckled.

“I think we’re all really hungry, and we shouldn’t try to name the puppies right now,” Dove suggested between laughs. “What we really need is someone to fire up the griddle and make some ham and cheese.”

“Not it!” everyone else shouted, leaving me as the designated cook.

“No fair,” I moaned. “I don’t know the whole ‘not it’ thing,” I grumbled.

Dove pointed towards the kitchen. “Too bad, so sad. Now get in there and make us some grilled cheese and ham so we can get back to naming these puppies.”

Aero walked in, planting a kiss on Sloane’s lips. “We’re having ham and cheese?”

Sloane beamed. “Yes, we are. You can thank the new puppies for making us hungry.”

“What?” Yarder’s voice interrupted as he entered the room, his gaze lingering on me. “The puppies aren’t even here yet.”

“We’re trying to name them,” Dove explained.

“That made you hungry?” Yarder questioned.

“It did when we started naming food combinations for their names,” I explained with a laugh.

Dove added, “You can blame Rocky for starting it by suggesting PB and J. You can blame me for suggesting Ham and Cheese, which led to Poppy making everyone grilled ham and cheese.”

“Does any of this make sense?” Aero asked, bewildered.

Cue Ball walked through the door. “If the girls are involved, nothing ever makes sense.”

“I don’t even know why you guys are naming the puppies,” Yarder grunted. “They’ve already got names.”

“Green and Purple?” I joked.

Yarder shook his head. “Harley and Davidson.”

A smile tugged at my lips.

Aero pointed at Yarder. “Hell yes.”

“Predictable, but I like it,” Sloane shrugged.

Cue Ball nodded enthusiastically. “Har! Dave!” he shouted.

“What the hell?” Olive laughed. “What are you doing?”

“You gotta yell it to see if you like it,” Cue Ball explained. “I think it’ll be good.”

“You’re insane,” Olive chuckled.

Cue Ball shrugged. “But I’m not wrong.”

“Fine,” Dove grumbled. “We can name the dogs Harley and Davidson, but that doesn’t get Poppy off the hook of making sandwiches for everyone.”

I stood up. “Well, you’re in luck because I know how to make a mean grilled cheese. How hard can it be to add a little ham to it?” The words spilled out before I could stop them.

Before coming to the clubhouse, I never would have even considered putting ham in my grilled cheese. But now, with Yarder and the rest of the gang, things were different. And maybe, just maybe, a grilled ham and cheese would become a new favorite.

“You’ve never had a grilled ham and cheese?” Dove asked, surprised.
