Page 26 of My Hero

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“I’m sure he’s okay, honey,” Sloane reassured her. “Once this blows over, Throttle will take you to Houston to see him.”

As the conversation shifted, my gaze wandered to one of the cameras in the corner of the room. “Can they hear us?” I asked, curious about our privacy.

“The aliens?” Sloane joked.

I shot her a look. “No, the cameras.”

“Some of them, but not all the time,” Dove chimed in. “Aero said if you talk low enough, they won’t pick up what you’re saying. But when we want to be heard, we talk loud.”

“Why didn’t I know any of this?” Olive asked, surprised.

“Cue Ball probably told you to keep quiet no matter what,” Olive laughed. “He hates those cameras.”

“Yarder’s not a fan of the cameras either and has been locking himself away in his room lately, huh, Poppy?” Sloane nudged me, her tone suggestive.

“We’re just watching movies,” I blurted out, feeling a sudden rush of embarrassment. Yes, Yarder and I cuddled, but it wasn’t like there was anything more to it, unfortunately.

“That all?” Olive teased. “I’m used to Sloane and Dove being all over their men, so I can’t remember what it’s like to be discreet.”

Sloane rolled her eyes. “Says the woman who fell for Cue Ball in like three seconds.”

“I don’t think any of us can talk about not falling for our guys quickly,” Dove chuckled. “I mean, can you blame any of us for not falling for these hunky men?”

“We really are just watching movies,” I insisted. “I haven’t seen much TV or movies, so Yarder’s just being nice.”

“Sure he is,” Olive teased. “If you want to watch chick flicks, just invite us over, but I’m sure Yarder would lock the door as soon as we knocked.”

“As if she wants us to horn in on her Yard time,” Dove joked.

“Isn’t that a prison term?” Sloane quipped.

“I wouldn’t know,” Dove laughed. “Maybe you need to find some prisoner romance books and let us know.”

Sloane whipped out her phone. “You know, there are probably at least a hundred prison romances out there.”

“And Sloane’s going to read all of them now,” Olive chuckled.

“Sloane, are you planning on going to any other book signings?” I asked, changing the subject. Yarder had mentioned that Sloane and Dove had met the club at a hotel where a book signing was being held, and it was the start of Sloane and Aero.

Sloane scoffed. “I’m not planning anything until Yarder lifts the no-leaving-the-clubhouse ban.”

“As if Aero is going to let you go to a book signing without him,” Dove laughed. “He’d be afraid you’d find some other book boyfriend to bring home.”

Sloane rolled her eyes. “As if. I’m a one real-life book boyfriend woman now. The ring here sealed the deal on that.” She flashed her ring to us.

“So now you can only visit your other book boyfriends in your mind,” Olive teased.

Sloane shrugged. “Yeah.”

“Talk to Winter lately?” Dove asked. “I’m sure she’s feigning for more biker stories from you.”

“She’s still reeling from Aero and me running away to the mountains to get married. She’s going to live off that story for a while.” Sloane turned to me. “Do you read?”

“Sloane,” Olive interjected.

Sloane rolled her eyes. “I mean, does she like to read for enjoyment? I wasn’t questioning her basic reading skills.”

The girls looked at me expectantly.
