Page 27 of My Hero

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“Uh, well...”

“It’s okay if you don’t,” Dove reassured me. “I only went to the book signing with Sloane to see all of the models and drink for free. I do enjoy an audiobook now and then, though.”

“I’ve never really had time to read,” I admitted, my gaze dropping to the floor. Or the money to buy books, I silently added.

Sloane motioned around the room. “Honey, you’ve got all the time in the world right now while our men are slaying the dragons outside. Let me get you some books to start with.”

She returned moments later with a stack of books in her arms. “These are some of my favorites.” She dropped them in my lap. “Of course, there’s Winter Travers, but I also brought you a couple of Kristen Ashley, Nicole James, and Mayra Statham.”

“Her MC authors,” Dove clarified.

“They all write MC, but they also write other genres,” Sloane explained. “Mayra is good when I don’t have much time, so I want a hot and spicy quick read.”

I flipped through the books, feeling a flush rise to my cheeks. “There’s a lot of man chest here,” I laughed nervously.

“If you’re blushing at the covers, just wait until you start reading,” Dove teased. “You and Yarder will be doing a whole lot more than just watching movies once you get a few chapters into one of those books.”

“What are you reading, Sloane?” I asked, genuinely curious.

Sloane grabbed a book from the bottom of the pile. “Start with this one.”

I examined the cover. “Mystery Man by Kristen Ashley.”

Sloane nodded enthusiastically. “There are three more after that one, and then a spinoff series. I promise you will not regret reading Kristen.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t start her with Winter,” Dove remarked.

“Oh, don’t worry. There are two Winter books in that pile,” Sloane assured her. “I’m just giving her the full spectrum of amazingness.”

I settled into the couch, the weight of the books in my lap comforting. “Well, I guess I can read a little bit to see if I like it.”

Sloane plopped down beside me, a grin spreading across her face. “I love witnessing the birth of a new reader.”

I didn’t expect to be as enthusiastic about reading as Sloane was, but I figured it would be something to help pass the time. Opening the book, I immersed myself in the story of Gwen and Hawk, eager to explore this new world of books Sloane had introduced me to.

Chapter Fifteen


I stepped into the bedroom, expecting to find the TV on and Poppy waiting for me, but to my surprise, she was engrossed in a book. Her attention was so focused that she hadn’t even glanced up when I walked in. Sloane had gotten to her, I mused. It was only a matter of time. Sloane always had her nose buried in a book during downtime, and now it seemed Poppy was following suit.

“Poppy,” I called softly.

No response. She continued to scan the pages of her book, flipping them one by one.

“Clubhouse is on fire,” I joked, trying to get her attention.

Still nothing.

“Sloane is at the door with a stack of books,” I teased further.

Finally, Poppy’s eyes snapped up from her book to meet mine. “What?” she asked, clearly startled.

“Babe,” I chuckled, “I’ve been standing here for a minute, and you didn’t even notice.”

She waved the book in her hand dismissively. “Gwen just woke up in Hawk’s bed,” she explained, as if that clarified everything.

I cocked my head, bemused. “Is that supposed to mean something to me?”
