Page 36 of Daring to Surrender

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“You expect me to believe that?”

“I have no control over what you do or don’t believe. Just know this—I am not my father. When you’re ready to have a serious conversation, you know where to reach me.”

“Just stay away from Janel.”

Demonte noticed the possessive glint in Dozer’s gaze and then he understood. “Got it. I didn’t know you’d claimed her.”

“Are you crazy? She’s not mine.”

A grin split his face, “Yeah, sure. You keep telling yourself that. Know this. If I thought I was the best choice, I’d fight you for her. And I’d win.”

He glanced back at Janel and noticed the same interest in her eyes as she looked at Dozer. He threw his head back and laughed. Oh, he’d love to be part of the conversation that was inevitable with the King.



Dozer’s fists tightened as he watched Demonte leave the diner, get in his car, and pull out of the parking lot. Then he turned his attention back to the woman glowering at him. When Walter called and told him Demonte Luciano was not only at the diner but also being friendly with Jane, he’d seen red.

The woman who’d been the topic of their conversation raised her chin and gave him a scathing look. In his thirty-four years on this earth, he’d never been so turned on or confused by a woman. She was a walking, talking, fucking contradiction. From those damn brown contacts to the secondhand clothes she wore like they were designer brands.

The blue t-shirt was stretched tight against the perfect swells of her tits and those luscious fucking curves outlined by tight faded jeans made his cock take notice.

Giving him her back, she leaned over to clear the table and, Jesus, those hips and that ass. He could so vividly imagine taking her from behind, spanking a cheek, and leaving his handprint warming her flesh.

With her hands filled with their dishes, she turned, her lips pursed and doing a fucking poor job of glaring at him. All he could see were those plump, pink lips wrapped around his cock as she looked up at him from her knees. The things he wanted to do to that mouth. His eyes went to her lips and she licked them.

Without a sane thought, he marched up to her, took her chin in his hand, and kissed her. Dishes crashed to the floor making the most horrendous noise and he didn’t even hear it. All he heard was her soft gasp before she melted into him. Her hands wound around his neck and her tits pressed against his chest. Her sweet tongue swiped the seam of his lips and he opened, caressing and taking her inside his mouth.

The bell above the door rang and a gruff throat cleared, and the real world rudely barged in. Breaking the kiss, he pulled back, but the dazed look on Janel’s face made him want to pull her right back into his body and start the kiss all over again.

“You two need to get a room. We don’t serve that here,” Walter grumbled.

He took another step away, being sure Janel was steady on her feet before he turned her loose. Severing the connection between them left him empty inside.

What the fuck am I doing?

He had to leave. Turning, he walked toward the door, calling over his shoulder that he’d be back to pick her up at nine.

He jumped on his bike and spun out of the parking lot like the dogs of hell were nipping at his heels. There was no name strong enough to call himself for kissing her. He’d fucked up. He pulled onto the highway and let the bike fly.

He could still feel the warmth from her lips sending him right back into the moment. At first, she seemed stunned, but then she’d fallen into the kiss and not only returned it, she’d taken it to a level he hadn’t been prepared to go. Wait. Who was he kidding? He’d been ready to lay her back on a table and take her right then and there. The hell with where they were or who they were. And that was the kicker. He may never have her, but he would forever have her taste on his tongue.

Glancing down, he noticed the speedometer nearing a hundred and immediately slowed down. For more than an hour, he rode before turning around and headed back.

Over an hour later, he pulled up to the compound. As soon as he walked in, Prez met him at the door. “My office, now,” he snapped and walked away without waiting for Dozer’s reply.

Dozer should have known that Walter had already reported in. Hell, he should have left the diner and gone straight to the compound to report in himself.

Entering Prez’s office, he took a seat, prepared to be raked over the coals.

However, he wasn’t prepared for Prez to say, “What the hell, Dozer? You’re falling for the woman?”

His mouth dropped. “What?”

Austin chuckled, enjoying busting his balls. “Walter said you kissed the fuck out of her right in the middle of the diner. He said he called your name several times and you were so into her, you didn’t even hear him. He also said you’re paying for those broken dishes.”

He scowled and his brows rose toward his hairline. “What the hell, man? Are you and Walter teenage gossip girls? Yes, I kissed her and I shouldn’t have, but didn’t Walter mention the most important thing? That fucker Luciano was sniffing around her.”
