Page 48 of Daring to Surrender

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He moved so fast, he was already wrapping his arms around her before she registered his steps. “I see you, princess. And I hear what you’re saying, but you deserve better.”

She felt his lips land softly on the top of her head.

He picked her up and carried her to the bed. He took her shoes off and pulled the cover back. “Climb in, princess.”

She scooted over to the middle of the king bed and rested her head on the pillow, wanting to curl up and fall asleep.

Her gaze widened when Dozer toed his boots off and climbed in behind her. “What are you doing?” she asked as his arm wound around her middle and pulled her back against his chest.

“I wish I knew. All I know is I can’t leave. The only place I want to be is with you.”

Hope glimmered in her heart. It was a start. Nestled against him, his hand resting protectively over her stomach, she’d never felt so content. Her lashes fluttered, closed, and then she slept.



Dozer lay awake for a long time, watching Janel sleep and trying to makes sense of what was happening to him. Sunshine filtered through the windows, but his late night and overindulgence had his eyes closing. He pulled her even closer and allowed himself the pleasure of following her in sleep.

Later, Janel’s whimper woke him. At first he thought she was having a nightmare, but then he realized his hand had drifted beneath her shirt as they slept and he was brushing her nipple with his thumb. His hard cock, positioned perfectly between her ass cheeks, twitched.

As if that wasn’t torture enough, she pressed back and tilted her hips, rubbing against him like a cat. Had she been any other woman, those tells would be a clear invitation to fuck. Janel was innocent. She didn’t know what she was doing or asking for. He needed to get out of that bed. Hell, he needed to leave the compound and get his head back on straight. Distance. That’s what he needed.

Those were the right thoughts, but his thumb continued to rub her now rigid nipple. He pinched it between his thumb and forefinger and she moaned again. He was going to hell.

“Dozer?” her sleep-coarse voice asked.

“Yeah, baby.”

“If you stop, I’m going down to the parking lot and get the gun out of your glovebox and shoot you in a very sensitive place.”

He grinned at her sass and had no doubt she’d follow through. She rolled over on her back, her face flushed from his hand on her breast. Her gaze fixed onto his lips and she swallowed. She was so fucking seductive and she had no clue the power she had over him with only a heated gaze.

He traced the side of her cheek and she pressed a kiss to the pad of his thumb when it reached her pink glistening lips. He wanted nothing more than to take what her hooded eyes promised. The force with which he wanted her shocked him. “Sweetheart, do you know what you’re asking for?”

She nodded shyly, but it was too important to risk missed signals. “I need the words, princess.”

“I don’t, but I want you to show me. I know there will be pain the first time, but when you touch me like you did, I don’t care. Men don’t like being the first, so whatever happens is fine. I’m not expecting much.” She reached up and ran her fingers through his hair.

He closed his eyes, savoring her touch, and she lowered her voice to just above a whisper. “Be with me,” she implored, took his hand, and put it back on her breast.

Her minimal expectations ruined the last bit of self-control he had over his demanding need for her. A shudder ran through him and he vowed to make her first time good for her. His expectations were much higher than “not much.”

He rubbed her nipple and her moan unchained the last bit of reserve he had about taking her virginity. He may not be the best choice for her, but he was the one who would appreciate the precious gift she was giving him more than any other asshole that only wanted to be with her because of who she was or what her position could do for them.

He took her mouth, her arms encircled his neck, and she pressed closer. He tore his mouth away long enough to pull the shirt she wore—his shirt—up her delectable body and tossed it behind him onto the floor. He took a moment to soak in the sight of her perfect pale pink tits. Her chest rose and fell as she watched his reaction. His gaze moved to hers. Her lashes fluttered downward and her face flushed. How could this gorgeous woman have an ounce of insecurity?

With a finger under her chin, he forced her eyes to his. “You are beautiful, sweetheart. If my next breath were my last, I’d die knowing I’ve seen the most perfect sight in the world.”

He didn’t wait for a reply, didn’t expect one as he lowered his head and drew one of her hardened nipples into his mouth.

“Ah!” she cried out as her fingers threaded through his hair.

He’d been with women. Lots of women. He fucked them or let them suck him off. The only emotion he ever experienced was the release of his orgasm. Nothing could have prepared him for the swelling emotion building in his chest.

He rolled over and covered her petite body with his. He kissed down to her stomach and she gasped when he traveled lower. He grinned down at the black curls trimmed neatly into a landing strip and looked up into her curious gaze.

Moving down on the bed, he took her legs one at a time and draped them over his shoulders before nuzzling up her slit and inhaling her scent until he was dizzy with delirium. Tasting her, touching her became his mission in life. Licking up the middle, he dove in, eating his fill.
