Page 80 of Meet Cute

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He nods, leaving us alone once more and I set her bags down in the closet. That friend of hers must have really stolen everything if all of her belongings can fit into two small suitcases. No bother, I’ll just spoil her rotten to make up for it. She’ll have more clothes than she could ever wear. I’ll buy her everything that she could ever want.

My phone buzzes in my pocket as Izzy turns back and spots her suitcases.

“I’ll let you get unpacked,” I tell her and she stares at me as I step out into the hallway and answer my phone.

It’s my aunt and I sigh as I hit the accept button. I already know that I’m not going to like this conversation.

“You threatened Clark?” She half shouts and I bite back a sigh.

“No, I told him that he had to leave the apartment.”

“Why?” She cries. “You just agreed to let him live there.”

“He was making porn in the apartment,” I tell her flatly.

“He… he what?” She shouts, seeming to deflate and then fill with anger once more.

The next thing I know, she’s yelling at Clark and I hang up. I can tell that she’s going to be busy dealing with her delinquent son. I knew that he was going to run to his mom but I guess I figured that he would wait until his time was up in the apartment.

I turn to head back to my girl when my phone rings again. This time, it’s my mom and I answer it, already knowing that she’s going to ask the same questions as my aunt.

“What happened with Clark?” She asks as soon as I say hello.

“He was doing bad things in the apartment,” I hedge. “I already talked to Aunt Dennie and she’s taking care of it.”


“I found her, mom,” I tell her, changing the subject.

“Found who?”

“My girl. Your future daughter in law.”

“What?!” She screams in excitement and I grin.

“I’ll be bringing her by for Sunday dinner if that’s alright with you.”

“Of course, it is! I can’t wait to meet her. What’s her name? What does she do for a living? What’s her favorite food?”

“Her name is Izzy. We’ll talk about the rest on Sunday,” I hedge.

I don’t know the answers to her other questions and it eats at me. I should know everything about my woman. I need to rectify that. Tonight.

“I’ve got to get back to her but we’ll see you Sunday,” I tell my mom.

We say our goodbyes and then I’m hurrying to get back to my Izzy. I’m glad that my business with my cousin seems to be over because I’m going to be busy for the next few days making Izzy mine.

In every way imaginable…



I head into the closet and I’m not even surprised to see Davis’s clothes hanging up in here. His scent is all over the room which was my first clue that this was his bedroom, but it’s more than that.

He seems to be all in with me. I figured that he would want me close by, but now I’m seeing that he put me in his room.

That thought should scare me. It should have me wanting to run out of here, but it doesn’t. Having a man like Davis want me, want to take care of me and love me, feels so surreal. Part of me can’t help but wonder if it’s too good to be true.
