Page 81 of Meet Cute

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Maybe today was so crazy that I’m just losing it. It’s clear that I’m not thinking straight, but as Davis comes back into the room, his hungry eyes finding me instantly, I realize that I don’t want to think straight where he’s involved. I want him to take control, to be in charge of me. I want to see what this thing between us is and where it goes.

“Dinner is done, baby girl,” he says and I nod, letting him take my hand and lead me back toward the kitchen.

Having him touch me, hold my hand, feels as natural as breathing. I’m comfortable around him in a way that I never have been with the opposite sex before. I knew right when I saw him that I was safe with him. It looks like my gut instinct was right in that case. The only one who could hurt me with Davis around, is Davis, but I don’t think that he’s going to be breaking my heart anytime soon. I get the feeling that he would cut out his own heart before hurting mine.

Mary is gathering her things by the front door and she smiles at me.

“Dinner is all set for you two. Just leave the dishes in the sink. I’ll get to them in the morning.”

“Thank you, Mary,” Davis says as he takes a seat and she waves before she heads down in the elevator.

“She seems nice,” I say, about to take the chair next to his when he tugs on my hand.

“Oh!” I gasp as I land in his lap.

He just smiles, moving me and getting me settled with my legs straddling his. He treats me like I’m a porcelain doll and like I’m light as a feather. I never thought that I would ever sit in someone’s lap comfortably. I’d always be worried that I was crushing them. I’m a curvy girl after all and I’ve been plus size my whole life, but Davis doesn’t seem to be straining under my weight and for the first time in my life, I feel delicate.

“Let me take care of you,” he says quietly, right in my ears and I shiver in his hold.

That’s my deepest desire, to have someone take care of me. I wonder how he could possibly know that.

I can feel the thick ridge of his arousal against my butt and I can’t help but wiggle against him. His hold on me tightens and I squirm as my panties grow damp.

“Davis,” I start as he brings a bite of steak to my lips.

“Let me, baby girl.”

“Okay,” I relent.

I’ve been living my life, struggling, for far too long. It feels good to have someone take some of that stress and worry off of me. Maybe this is just the distraction that I need to make me forget about my money troubles and everything that happened with Nichole. Either way, I’m going to enjoy this. For however long it lasts.

“What’s your favorite food?” He asks me, pulling me from my thoughts as I chew the bite of steak.

“Pizza,” I answer right away and he smiles.

“What kind?”

“Just cheese.”

“I’ll order us pizza for dinner tomorrow night,” he promises and I nod, my head resting against his broad shoulder as he feeds me a bite of bread.

It’s still warm and I moan as the taste of butter melts on my tongue. Davis tenses under me and I swallow as his arms tighten around me.

His erection flexes against my butt and I grind down slightly.

“Careful there, baby girl,” Davis growls in my ear and I bite back a gasp as my nipples tighten into tight points.

“Davis,” I start but I don’t know what to say.

I’ve never had sex before. Never even come close. I’ve never even been out on a date before. I have no experience with any of this, but I know that I want him. I know that he would make it good for me.

He brings a bite of carrot to my mouth and I open for him obediently.

“Tell me about yourself,” he orders and I swallow.

“What do you want to know?”

“Everything,” he says right away and I smile.
