Page 108 of My Dark Protector

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She couldn’t do anything but grin as she knelt to sort out her clothing on the ground. When she stood, Jaxon was there, kissing her lips and making her forget what they were supposed to be doing.

“Mmm, as nice as that is, I need to find where I threw the toothbrushes.”

“Countertop,” he replied, plucking them from where she’d flung them hard, handing them over. She was pulling on her underwear, so she didn’t take them until she’d gotten herself decently dressed.

After she had, Jaxon himself started dressing. Once he had his pants pulled up, Teagan opened the bathroom door and went back to her room to check the contents of the bag. She paused for a moment in the hallway and listened. She was met with silence so hopefully, that meant no one had been around to hear them.

Teagan continued into the room and knelt to unzip the bag. So far, it only contained her pajamas and now their toothbrushes, so she went to the closet where Jaxon kept his clothes in a separate bag on the floor.

She’d wanted like mad to offer part of the closet or half her chest of drawers or something, but it hadn’t felt right.

Looking through the contents of Jaxon’s bag, she found a clean pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt that looked clean. If she was being honest, Jaxon rarely wore much to sleep in as of late, so his pajamas had gotten little use.

“I could have done that, Teags,” he said as he walked into the room. “You found something?”

“Yeah, flannel pants and a t-shirt that looks nottoostained, but now that I’m looking, there’s some faded blue paint on it.”

“Eh, it’s the cleanest I have over here without going over to the house and rifling through the closet there.”

“I was wondering where you kept the rest of your clothes,” she said with a smile. She wasn’t, but it felt like the right thing to say.

“Yeah, they’re in the closet over there. Master bedroom, though. I bet that could stand to be expanded a bit. A walk-in closet’s nice, right?”

She rolled her eyes. “Do you ever stop thinking about that place and the work you’re going to do on it?”

“Yeah, I do. But, I was just thinking… I should definitely put a vanity in.”

“Where? The bathroom?” she asked, giggling.

“Where else you going to have one?” he asked, winking and grabbing the bag from her, stuffing his pajamas inside and zipping it up. “And, after I install it, you can help me break it in.”

Her mouth dropped open, and she mustered up a very stilted response, but he beat her to the chase.

“Come on. We have a sleepover to get to.”

“Brad will kill you if he hears you call it that.”

“That’s why he won’t hear me,” Jaxon teased, throwing the bag over his shoulder and standing aside to let her go out first. He hung back to grab their coats, holding out hers so she could shrug into it.

She felt a smile tugging at her lips for no reason other than he was there. With her. And they were together. God, she was turning into such a sap.

Her phone buzzed, and she reached for it, panic blooming for a split second before she saw Shea’s name on the banner.

She opened the text, squinting down at the words. Not because she couldn’t see them, but because they didn’t really make sense.

Shea:Bring all your blankets and sheets to Brad’s.

Teagan sent a one-word response in reply.Why?

Three dots appeared and so she stopped walking, smirking a little when Jaxon ran into the back of her, his arm wrapping around her waist to steady himself. He hooked his chin over her shoulder.

“Who’s that from?”

“Shea,” she replied, holding the phone over so he could see it.

“You didn’t have to show me,” he teased, all the while devouring the message. “Why does she need blankets? Did Brad forget to do the laundry again?”

“No idea,” Teagan replied.

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