Page 109 of My Dark Protector

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Shea’s text came through.

Shea:We’re making a blanket fort and Brad doesn’t have enough.

Teagan’s thumb hovered over the screen, all ready to tell her sister to fuck off because it was a waste to bring all her clean bedding over just to drape it over Brad’s furniture. Except for a small part of her wanted to build a blanket fort. Because she hadn’t done it since she was a girl. And the thought of building one as an adult was super fun.

So, she replied.

Teagan: We were just about to walk out the door. We’ll grab them. See you in a few!”

Shea sent back a winking emoji that was out of character for her, but Teagan was above asking her why she’d sent it. She had ascertained that Teagan had just had sex or something, and she didn’t want to have that discussion with Jaxon draped over her shoulder.

“Blanket fort?” Jaxon said with a snicker. He turned to press his lips to the side of her neck. “Want me to get the blankets?”

“There’s a bunch,” Teagan informed him.

“Iknow. I’ve been here for a bit,” he reminded her, handing off the duffel bag and turning around to head back to the linen closet.

He grabbed as many sheets and blankets as he could carry on one trip. “A blanket fort is fun, but you’re on a second story walk up and it’s notthatfun.”

Teagan grabbed another stack of her own and followed him to the door. She juggled the keys in her hands and got the door locked.

Her phone buzzed again, so she set the bag and the sheets down, waving Jaxon down ahead of her to read the text.

Shea:Can you grab that bottle of spiced rum you have in the freezer?

How did she - no. Nope? Teagan wasn’t going to go into this. Shea was a snoop. Of course, she knew about her secret stash.

Chapter Thirty-Five

Teagan: Yes, fine. Anything else? We’re leaving.

Shea:Nope. Just hurry up and get here.

Teagan: Stop sending me back for more things.

She unlocked the door once more and sprinted inside to grab the rum from the freezer. She zipped it into the bag and locked up once more.

By the time she’d gone down the stairs to Jaxon’s truck, her breath was coming out in heavy puffs that were visible in front of her. Normally, the temperature didn’t bother her, but it was that time of night where she was usually snuggled up all warm and groggy in front of the television, not hiking down to Jaxon’s truck with piles of blankets, an overnight bag and an icy bottle of spiced rum.

Jaxon reached over and opened the door for her. She hopped into the truck, sliding the duffel bag into the floorboard and balancing the sheets on her lap.

Jaxon arched an eyebrow in her direction but didn’t ask.

She loved him for that, but she wanted to share.

“Shea knew about my freezer rum,” she said with a shrug.

“And you brought it?” Jaxon asked, smirking a bit.

“Well, she wasjusthere. She’d know if I was lying. Plus, I can get more,” she said with a shrug.

Jaxon had the truck running, but the air coming through the vents was still icy cold as he backed out of the parking spot and turned the truck around to go out on the road.

Teagan’s teeth never chattered, but they were right then.

“Sorry about the heat. Or lack thereof,” Jaxon said. “I’ll warm you up once we get to Brad’s, though.”

“Pretty sure he’d have something to say about that,” she teased.
