Page 27 of My Dark Protector

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The only problem he could see was the valve leading into the sump pump. It had to be cracked or something. Except he’d replaced it a few times now, and it still could not keep up with the water in the basement. He had his eye on the top of the line valve and if that still didn’t fix it, he’d have to do the unthinkable and call a plumber.

He shuddered to even consider the thought, let alone go through with it. Jaxon wondered if there were discreet plumbers who came in the dead of night so none of the neighbors could see that you’d given up and called in a professional.

Teagan ran water into a glass, jarring him from his thoughts.

“I said I’d do that for you,” Jaxon drawled, not even turning to face her.

“I know, but I’m not doing anything, and you’re…”

Jaxon stuffed the rest of his sandwich into his mouth. It wasn’t much, just over a corner. “Stuffing my face.” He stood up and pocketed his phone, grabbing his plate and strolling into the kitchen. “Go. Sit down. This isn’t a hotel and you aren’t my maid.”

“They’re not just your dishes,” she grumbled.

“Not just yours either.”

She stood there just to his right while he picked up the sponge.

“Make sure you use the scrubby side,” she offered.

“Are you going to be breathing down my neck the entire time I wash this plate or-”

“Fine, fine. Just trying to help.”

“I’ll help you too. Teags, when you sit down, pull out the chair first so you don’t fall on your ass, okay?”

Sighing, she left his side and yanked out the chair. “I get it. I hear you.” She sat down jarringly.

He smirked and finished rinsing off his dishes and loading them into the dishwasher. He added the detergent, closed the door, and turned it on, turning again to lean back against the counter. The picture of nonchalance. He hoped, anyway. “There, was that so hard?”

She shot him a look. “You forgot that glass.” She pointed to the one by his elbow that he’d just been drinking out of.

“Shit,” he turned off the dishwasher again and loaded the glass, checking around to make sure he had forgotten nothing else. “Okay. There. Wasthatso hard?”

She chuckled. “No. I suppose not.” She rose to her feet and left the room.

His phone buzzed in his pocket and he reached for it, noting the banner on the screen read Brad’s name.

He read the text, smirking a little at the context.

Brad: Hey T, you want to come out for drinks tonight?

There was a split second before another message.

Brad: If you’re not busy, that is.

Jaxon pushed that entirestatement out of his head for the time being, instead following where Teagan had just gone, out of the kitchen, and on through to the living room.

She’d pulled out a bag full of yarn from the chest near the television, and was sorting through yarn and crochet hooks. The only reason Jaxon knew they were for crocheting was that he was certain that you usedneedlesfor knitting, and the thing Teagan had was a hook.

He’d be fine with swinging by his house to swap out the valve, and then heading back here for a quiet evening of getting to choose what they watched on Netflix this time because Teagan was crocheting and not really looking at the screen. But he could just as easily go out to the bar as well. So he’d leave it up to his supposed girlfriend.

“Teags,” he said. She paused her untangling of the grey yarn to meet his gaze.

“What?” she asked.

“You want to go out with your brother for drinks tonight?”

She frowned. “Why areyouasking me?” She reached for her phone to check if she had a missed message.
