Page 66 of My Dark Protector

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“Not with people I don’t know.”

“You know me.”

“I know, but if anything it feels even more intimate.”

He smiled. “I’m not going to try to talk you into anything you don’t want, love.”

“Are we still talking about dancing?” she murmured.

“That’s up to you,” he replied.

She spent the rest of the slow song sipping her water. The next song that came up was more upbeat, so she tossed her drink and held out her hand to him. He followed her and joined her back on the floor. There was no sight of Britt or Brad anywhere and honestly, Teagan preferred that. There was less pressure when they were alone.

The next three songs were fast, and by the time they were over, she had a thin sheen of sweat covering her skin, and he was panting slightly. Her feet felt achy in her shoes, but she was smiling wider than ever.

As the band struck up one last song before their break, she recognized the chords at the beginning. Slow at first, then two fast beats.

“Tango,” she whispered.

“You don’t know tango?” he asked.

“I do,” she replied.

“You want another drink?” he asked again, giving her an out.

“No,” she replied.

He held out both hands and she stepped into position.

The beat thrummed and she let him lead her across the floor. His eyes were boring holes into her, and she looked away because that was what the dance dictated. He would stare and she would look away.

“Dragging you,” he muttered, bending his arms so she could grip his forearms to keep her upper body steady as he dragged her towards him, spinning round immediately. His hand clutched at her waist and the other came up to her jaw to turn her face towards him. “Look at me.”

She went where he led, and the entire time she lost herself in the darkness of his gaze. She could feel the tightness in his chest. His arms. The way his breath hit her when they hit certain beats.

Too soon, the song was over, they were clapping again.

Or she was.

He wasn’t. He was pushing his hair back and looking very much like he needed to catch his breath.

“Jaxon?” she asked, leaning near him. “Are you-”

“I can’t do this,” he replied, shaking his head and backing away from her. “I can’t.”

“Okay…” she frowned and followed him. “Where are you-”

“I have to leave. If you want a ride, I’m going.” He left and flustered, she followed him out of the main room, through the place where they’d checked their coats, and out to the parking lot. He exhaled when he hit the cool night air like he hadn’t been able to breathe in there.

“Jaxon are you-?”

“I’m sorry,” he said, turning to face her. “I shouldn’t have made you leave.”

“No, I want to, if something’s wrong with you?” she asked, concerned for his well being, he looked pale. “What’s wrong?”

“I just can’t do this anymore,” he replied, stopping in front of his truck and pressing both hands to the side of it, leaning forward to stare at the ground.

“Can’t do what?” she asked, feeling very worried and very confused. She’d been having fun, what had changed?

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