Page 45 of Knot Fit For Love

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The door opened again, revealing Elias' team of accountants and financiers. They breezed in, talking amongst themselves, straightening their ties and setting down briefcases. Dane remained unfazed, not bothering to move away from him, while Elias recoiled, his cheeks ablaze under a sprinkling of freckles. His men greeted him with warm smiles, nervously darting their eyes between Dane and Elias, perceiving their flushed faces as signs of anger.

"Hello, Mr. Velcore," the accounting manager finally said after clearing his throat.

Elias nodded at him, then gestured to the still-silent alpha beside him, who sat back with his arms crossed, eyeing the others.

"Wesley, this is Dane, uh, what's your last name?" he asked with a wince.

"Umber, my name is Dane Umber, general administrator of Deaton Hospital. I came early to have lunch with my good friend here."

Wesley nodded to him, flashing a smile of perfect white teeth below a quivering brown mustache. His hair was the same dusky color as his hazel eyes. Everything about him was average and dependable.

"Ah, I see. Welcome, Mr. Umber. Would you like any coffee or tea?"

"No, thank you. However, I'd like the four of you to leave. Come back within five minutes of the meeting. Would that be alright?"

Wesley startled at the nonnegotiable tone to Dane's voice. Hell, Elias did too. He glanced between the beta and alpha, slowly slinking into his seat. Wesley looked at him, but Elias only shrugged and shoved another carrot into his mouth.

Coward, his inner voice hissed.

Elias struggled to ignore it and looked away, avoiding thoughts of Dane's abuse of power to intimidate his staff. He also refused to acknowledge how hot that commanding voice of his was.

"Of course, Sir. Our apologies for the interruption."

Then Wesley was gone, shuffling out of the room while dabbing his forehead with a handkerchief. Elias watched them go until the glass door slid shut again, leaving them in silence. He turned, a frown marring his lips.

"Why'd you do—"

Dane swept him up, pressing their mouths together. It wasn't demanding or fast-paced like their previous encounter, but it was possessive. With languid strokes, Dane explored every inch of Elias' lips, intensifying their mutual longing. He held back each little sound that wanted to escape, but didn't pull away. Elias turned his head into the kiss, opening his mouth wider to suck Dane's bottom lip between his.

The alpha smiled with approval, and it shook Elias to his core. Despite not touching any other place, Elias sensed an intense heat as his hands dangled between his knees. He experienced a delightful tingling in his skin which compelled him to scoot closer.

But the alpha pulled back to press their foreheads together instead, breathing harshly. Elias' gaze tracked over Dane's flushed cheeks and swollen mouth like a starving man looking at a full meal. He wanted to keep a record of it all just to do it again—and that was a dangerous thought. It rode him so hard that Elias sat back for some distance, hiding shaking fingers by clenching them into fists.

"You're lovely," Dane said, still leaning forward in his chair and pressing both forearms to his knees. "Everything about you calls to me on a level I've never experienced before. It's like my body was waiting for the perfect omega."

Elias stiffened in shock, eyes going wide.

The perfect omega.

How the hell did he qualify?

Elias started tidying up the containers from lunch. They stacked nicely, per Ian's obsession with easily cartable Tupperware, and when there was nothing else to distract him, he finally looked up. The alpha watched him closely, a quirk to his lips with eyes crinkled at the corners in perfect crow's feet.

The expression was so hypnotizing Elias could stare at it forever without getting bored. "What?"

Dane shrugged and finally sat back. "You have nothing to say to my claim? No, that's not true or you're wrong?"

Elias raised a brow. "Do you want me to deny it?"

"No, but it'd keep things consistent. So either you agree, which I highly doubt, or you're keeping it to yourself. Why?"

He stood from the table with a huff, motioning for Dane to follow him back to his office via the stairs. It was only a flight up, and he'd like the exercise to get rid of the half boner in his pants. Since when did a simple kiss make him so eager? Elias flushed, thankful to be leading the way.

"Why do you have to be so observant all the time? Just kiss me and shut up."

He'd just stepped up on the landing when Dane shoved him from behind, forcing Elias to stumble into the wall with a gasp, the empty containers clattering to his feet with a series of clangs that echoed through the stairwell. Dane spun him so his back pressed against the concrete. The alpha's broad chest sent waves of burning warmth through his whole body.

Their mouths collided once more, but this time Dane slicked his tongue inside. Elias struggled for a moment until the alpha coaxed him to reciprocate, slipping and sliding their tongues together. He sucked on Dane with a moan, aching to have it so far into his mouth that he'd choke on it.
