Page 101 of Eternally Rare

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“Now is the perfect time. The trolls haven’t moved. We can’t stop living while they are sitting. You and your firebonds deserve celebration. You are uniting two kingdoms out of the four on this side of the planet. That is something to be celebrated. I think everyone here needs to have fun. It’s in two days where the wind wolves used to live. There’s enough room for all of us. Rarity’s family has already been invited. The Woodland Elves were sent an invitation too, but they only decided to come because I said the true woodland prince would be there after speaking to Alexander, so let’s hope he shows, or I’ll feel horrible for lying to them. I’m sure word has spread through the forest to our allies, so it will be busy and if not, we can call it an early night. I’m getting wine, ale, and the best food.”

The old me before having my firebonds would tell Raiden to shut it down yet as I look at Rarity’s face, the excitement, the happiness— I know I can’t.

I’ll do anything to make her smile like that, even if it means going to our clothsmith and getting fitted for a suit.

“Fine, but I want my firebonds to have the best material for the clothsmith and want the clothsmith brought here to the castle. My firebonds will not leave the comfort and safety of these walls with the trolls in the forest.”

Raiden beams, swiping his finger over his brow before flicking his hand away from him. “Whew, you had me worried there. Yes, I will have the clothsmith come here first thing tomorrow.”

“Great.” I climb up the steps, needing away from the drama and responsibilities. I only want to be with my firebonds . I need the world to shut off. The noise is all too much and the doubt within myself is too hard to listen to on my own.

Only my firebonds can bring me peace.

“Goodnight, Nyx. You won’t regret it!” Raiden shouts up from the bottom of the staircase.

I keep climbing, not wanting to give him anymore time.

“I’ve never been to a ball! I don’t know how to dance. I never have before.” Rarity flings my bedroom door open and squeals. “I can’t wait. Oh, it’s going to be so much fun.” She runs to the tub, her fingers trailing over the faucet. “How should I do my hair?”

“Rarity?” I set Cailian on the bed, then pull the covers over him so he stays warm.

“What?” She stops in my closet, fingering through the few clothes I have.

“Be quiet. Get undressed. And join your firebonds in bed.”

She peeks her head out of the closet and grins, her fangs showing adorably. “Can I have a snack?”

I stretch my head back, showing my throat. “Please do.”

She blurs across the room, straddling me before digging her hands in my hair then yanks my head to the side. Her fangs tease my throat, her tongue wetting the area where she’s about to feed.

Grabbing her upper thighs with my hands, I pull her across my aching cock, wanting her to feel what she does to me.

Just as she sinks her fangs in my vein and moans, I lace my fingers with Cailian’s, needing to feel him.

With every drag she takes, I promise myself I’ll be better for them.

I pick up a small piece of fruit from my plate, my nerves getting the best of me at the table. I didn’t know they always had a giant buffet of food for breakfast for any dragon to come down and eat with Nyx. What I also didn’t know is how Cailian and I would be all they stared at as they chewed into thick, bleeding meats.

It’s nearly unsettling.

“Why do you have purple eyes?” one of them asks.

“I— I don’t know.”

“—Why do you look like the elf?” someone else asks from the end of the table.

I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear and push my food around my plate. “I don’t know.”

“Stop asking my firebond that. She doesn’t know why she is different. We are looking into that later. We’ve been meaning to go to the Veiled Library to see if we can find any answers there,”Nyx says, washing his breakfast down with something called velvelore juice.

A drink Cailian hasn’t touched. He is staring at the cup, debating on drinking it. The sweet prince is a bit grey in the face and he has messy tangled hair. He must not feel well after having all that wine last night. He hasn’t said much either. Nyx has dazzled him with affection, yet Cailian has remained quiet. Whether it is because of Nyx or drinking too much wine, I miss him. I bet if he saw himself in a mirror, he would be terrified.

He doesn’t strike me as the kind of elf that likes to seem messy or unkept.

“Fine.” A different gruff dragon wipes his mouth on his arm before pointing a long claw that has pieces of meat stuck to it at Cailian. “Is it true you killed Nyx’s father? He was a good prince.”

“Do not bring up my father to Cailian. That topic is off limits!” Nyx slams his fits down on the table so hard, the volcanic sheet of rock cracks in half. “Do not ever bring that up again or I will rip your wings from your back.”
