Page 116 of Eternally Rare

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“I’ll feed you when I’m fucking ready to.” I trail my lips down her neck, appreciating where the scent is the strongest.

My own fangs scrape across her skin, her body a tempting snack for my dragon.

I blow fire along the ridge of her collarbone, her flesh reddening from the blaze. Rarity screams, her orgasm unexpectedly gripping my cock. I blow the flame out as if it were a candle and her skin heals in the next instance.

She soaks me, the sound of me easing in and out wetter and feeling it has me move faster.

“You liked that? Mmmm,” I hum in appreciation, moving to her next shoulder. “How much can you take, My Darling Jewel? How much heat is too much?”

“As much as you want to give me. Do it. Do it!”

I purge the fire from my chest, the fire twisting along her collarbone.

“You’re going to make me fucking come. Seeing my fire on you is more than I can take.” My knot begins to form at the base, filling with come, and preparing to lock inside her.

The skin begins to blister, and I wrap my mouth around it, swallowing the heat before it can do more damage.

And she comes. Again.

“Nyx!” she screams, my name reverberating off the empty rock walls.

I have no doubt everyone can hear.

“Rarity. Oh, fuck.” I thrust once, twice, and plant myself as deep as possible.

My knot locks me in place, filling her until her womb has no choice but to let me in. After tonight, she and Cailian both will be pregnant.

We’ll be a family.

I drop Rarity’s hands, flattening my palm against the wall to hold us up while my knot does its job, filling her with jet after jet of my come.

With a hiss, she yanks my head to the side, and strikes, feeding from me while I’m mid-orgasm.

My vision blurs on the edges. I’m unable to form her name as I roar my pleasure. Fire spews from me, darkening the wall of the cave from how fucking good it feels to have her fangs in me, her lips on my neck as she drinks.

Cupping the back of her head, I turn us until my back hits the wall, and slide down it. She’s straddling me, moaning and snarling in my throat.

“It’s okay, Little Vampire. Take as much as you want. You’ll be needing it.” Not only for the next few days so we can ride out the heat and rut, but for the child she will carry.

I grin when I feel the arousal through the bond on Cailian’s side.

“You taste so good when you’re orgasming,” Rarity manages to say as she takes a breath. “Oh gods,” she moans loudly, leaning back with her eyes shut. Her mouth and chin are red, wet with my blood.

“Let’s go get our firebond, My Darling Jewel. I need to knot him and imagine how fucking good he will taste as he comes.”

She begins to bounce on my cock, whimpering, loving the sound of that. Rarity strikes the other side of my throat, leaving the pinpricks unhealed so they can be seen.

Let my blood run in rivers for all I care, for every drop belongs to her, and if she wants to drain me to create a sea so she can swim in it— then so be it.

I will die a dragon who fed his firebond and there is no better way to go to death.

I ache in all the ways that have me craving more. My blood hums with fire. The heat causes beads of sweat to form on my temple. Nyx’s blood coursing through my veins is like adding gasoline to the blaze. I’m an inferno, burning from the inside out, and only the scorching desire from my beloveds will ease this emptiness only they can fill.

“I need Cailian too,” I rasp, the material of my dress scraping along the sensitive hardened peaks of my nipples.

All my nerves are raw and exposed. One kiss, one tease, even the threat of Nyx’s breath against my neck is nearly too much for me to handle.

“I’m going to go get him. I know he has to be feeling the heat too. Stay right here. Don’t move, okay?”
