Page 129 of Eternally Rare

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“Your wings! Where are they? How long has it been?”

“It has only been a few days, but I sacrificed my wings, Rarity sacrificed her Ice Elven magic, and my father gave his energy to bring you back to us.”

“Wha—what? But—”

“He’s been in the Phantom Forest. He is free now, but he won’t be able to come back. Raltena preformed the spell.”

“Your wings?” My bottom lip trembles. “I know how much you loved them. You can’t be without them.”

“I can be,” he growls. “I can’t be without you. I can’t be without Rarity. I love you more than I loved my wings. I love Rarity more. If I had to, I would do it all over again. He tugs me onto the bed and Rarity cuddles against my side. “My heart died the day you did. Only Rarity and the baby kept me going. Living has been hard, for the both of us, but we had to.” Nyx presses his hand against her stomach.

“You’re pregnant?”

Rarity nods, smiling at me. “And he or she is the DNA combination of all of us.”

I slip my hand to her flat stomach, tears breaking free in pure happiness.

“But you aren’t,” Nyx growls.

“I am not what?” I say gently, never taking my eyes from Rarity’s stomach.

“Pregnant. How are you feeling since coming back to life?”

“Fine… Why?”

Nyx pins me to the bed, eyes blazing, and he strikes before I can ask any more questions. He marks me, biting my neck with a mating mark for all to see.

“You aren’t leaving this bed. Neither of you are. Not for days. I need to reclaim you both.”

The words send fire through my body and Nyx inhales as I squirm, wetness leaking from my ass.

“Looks like we get to pick up where we left off, Treasure.”

“But— but there is so much to discuss. Where I have been, what happened when I was dead, how many of our people died, what Death said to me.”

“I don’t give a fuck about anything else. I need you. Everything else can wait. I’ve spent the last two days thinking you were gone forever and now you are back. I can touch you, kiss you, hear your voice, and now I need to hear your pleasure. Unless you don’t feel well?” I ask him, wanting to make sure he is healthy. He died and came back to life. I can’t relate, but I’m sure that is exhausting. “Your heat is getting stronger by the second, Cailian. I don’t think we can wait.” I press our lips together in a bruising kiss and to me, it feels like the first.

There’s no hate inside me, no anger, no need for revenge.

There’s just love. So much fucking love and I try to pour that feeling into the kiss, my lips sliding effortlessly across his. I grip the nook where his neck meets his shoulder, keeping his headstill so I can control the kiss. I want him to feel that with every slide, every fucking motion of my lips against his, he can feel my love for him.

I want to erase the hate I’ve stained on his soul. It doesn’t deserve to be there.

“Thank you,” I whisper into his mouth, running one hand down his body until I’m gripping his ass. “Gods.” A desperate growl of need escapes me. “You smell so good.”

“For?” he mewls, arching his back, and the robe Rarity and I changed him into after giving him a bath to get the blood off him, parts.

“My father.” I kiss my way down his throat to his chest.

His defined chest comes to view and the scar where the blade pierced his heart, sending him to another dimension is still there. It looks old, as if it has been there all his life instead of just two days. I bend down, kissing the scar, pinching my eyes shut when the image of the blade slicing through him blares in my mind.

He was so close to being taken from me.

Rarity’s hand lands on my back, right where my wings used to be, and while I haven’t shifted into my dragon form because I don’t want to see what I look like, I know sacrificing my wings was worth it.

Fingers lift my chin and gently turn my head. Rarity is there sensing my emotion and her own shines through her eyes.

“He is here. He isn’t going anywhere.” She bends down and kisses my forehead, before taking a seat in the chair nestled in the corner.
