Page 45 of Eternally Rare

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“So they are still a day or so away from us?”

“Yes, Prince Dovenyx,” he formally answers since my other dragons in command are sitting with us as well.

I sit back in my chair, tilting my head back as I blow black smoke in perfect circles. “I wonder what they are waiting for.”

“If I may, Prince?” Zoren, the commanding officer of the elite dragons sworn to protect the kingdom, raises his hand.

“Please.” I hold out my palm in a gesture that tells him he has my attention.

Zoren nods his head in a respectful manner. “What if they aren’t coming to attack? There are so many of them. I can’t help but wonder if they are moving to a different part of the planet.”

“Impossible,” Willox, the treasurer of our hoard, snarls with fire brimming his mouth, slamming his hand on the table. “Trolls never have good intentions. History has proven that when they are close, they start a war. They are planning something, and they have grown in numbers. They are not stupid creatures. They are surprisingly sardonic with their strategies. You should know that, Zoren.”

Zoren stands, splaying his hands on the table, growling in a low warning. “You don’t think I know that? I have fought them a hundred times but this time, this new pattern they are making doesn’t fit what I know. They have stopped in the densest part of Fog’s Forest. There are no caves, mountains, or rocks where they are. Trolls thrive in those places not some forest with thick trees and questionable creatures.”

Sylas, my traveler, the dragon that keeps communication with other beings on the planet speaks. “I’ve spoken with the Woodland Elves. I told them about the impending danger. The trolls are in a forbidden part of the forest that not even the Woodland Elves step foot in. They are barricading parts of their territory the best they can. Not even they are willing to risk doing nothing.”

“Where is Erelix? Perhaps, it is time to barricade the castle to protect the den and the hoard.” Down below the castle, nearly to the middle of this planet, near the molten heat of lava, is where we keep our gold.

Willox only comes up for air when we have these meetings, otherwise, he guards what is so precious to us.

“I haven’t seen the wizard today,” Raiden states, leaning forward. “In fact, I haven’t seen him in a while.”

I lift my brow. While it isn’t unlike my wizard to take a few days to gather herbs, spices, or whatever else he may need, he usually always lets me know if he will be gone.

“Send a search party for him. I want answers to his disappearance. That causes issues when it comes to protection. We are left vulnerable without him.” I rub my temples as a headache begins to build, when suddenly something snaps in my chest, pain spreading through my skull.

I gasp for air, placing a hand to my chest as agony thrums through my heart.

“Nyx?” Raiden is at my side just as I slump to the left, nearly falling from my chair.

He catches me, grunting from my body weight.

The table erupts in worry.

“The prince is unwell. This meeting is cancelled.”

“Perhaps we need to go to the elves, ask for their witch.”

“The ice elves? Are you mad?”

Voices raise until arguments become a meshed sound that I can’t understand.

“Enough!” Raiden bellows. “Leave and go about your duties. I will care for the prince. If I have any news, I will let you know. Zoren, I want hourly updates on those trolls.”

“Yes, Second. Understood.”

I hold my head, a sizzle of white noise exploding in my mind, and it stops my ability to breathe. Sweat breaks out all over my body.

“Talk to me, Nyx. What’s happening?” my friend whispers low. “What can I do?”

I’m about to beg him to trespass on the elven property to steal ice and drape it over my body when the ache stops and desire rams inside me instead.

I gasp for breath, thankful I’m not dying, but now I know why.

My firebond has lowered his guard to allow me in his head once more. Images of a beautiful body bombard my mind. Cailian is touching her— Rarity— our firebond and is sending me pictures of what he sees.

Her breasts come to view, her nipples beading under his touch, and in the distance of the bond, I hear her moan for him.
