Page 44 of Eternally Rare

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She manages to crack the ice, and I slide my finger across it, mending the restraints together. I slide my entire hand across it, adding more ice to withstand her strength.

“Good,” I say, marveling at the beauty before me. “Maybe then you’ll learn.”

“Cailian,” she whimpers, arching her body to touch mine.

I step away, my cock swaying between my legs. I look down at her, noticing how small she is compared to me, realizing that she’ll look even tinier next to our dragon since he is taller than I am. I touch her cheek with the back of my finger and ever-so-slowly, graze it down her jaw, neck, and to her collarbone.

I trace the slender ridge. Back and forth. Back and forth. Memorizing how she feels, how her skin is silk, and how I want her draped over me like luxury, or how her breath hitches when I get closer to her neck.

“Please,” she begs, stretching out her arms to touch me.

“Hands at your sides, Rarity. I am not done admiring you yet,” I demand, giving her a stern expression.

And to my shock, she listens.

I smile, which is no effort at all when it comes to knowing that not only is my mate here, but she wants me. “Good girl. As a reward—” I step closer and give her my wrist, pressing it against her mouth. “You can have my blood.”

Her tongue flicks out, tasting my skin before she peeks at me through her lashes, and slices her fangs into the vein.

I groan from the sweet sensations of pain and pleasure. I stand closer, pressing my wrist harder against her mouth. Red rivulets spill down her chin. With every drag she takes, my cock jerks, precome dripping heavily from the broad tip.

“That’s enough,” I tell her, trying to pull my hand free.

This time, she doesn’t listen.

She takes more.

I pinch her nose so she can’t breathe. “I said that is enough,” I growl.

She releases me, mouth wide open as I tilt her head back. Her teeth are red, fangs dripping with blood, and the pupils of her eyes are blown wide. I wipe the blood from her lip and suck my finger into my mouth.

“Are you high off me, My Snow?”

Her tongue sucks over her teeth to gather the excess blood, her eyes close as if she’s swallowing the best liqueur this planet has to offer.

“I love that I do that to you.” I keep her trapped against the wall with the ice collar, not ready to let her go just yet.

I drop the barrier in my bond to the dragon since we have mated, pushing aside my anger and betrayal for Rarity. I refuse to be selfish when she deserves both her mates. We can love her, she can love us, but as far as he and I are concerned, love will never be in the picture.

Lust strums the strings binding me to the dragon, echoing the pleasure I am feeling as I stare at my vampire mate. Every time I blink, I send an image through my mind of what I see.

I trail my fingers down her neck, my touch a ghost over her breast, and a shaky breath causes her stomach to tremble. Her nipple hardens, and more goosebumps arise on her skin, reminding me of a fresh blanket of snow after a blizzard.

Pinching the pink bead, Rarity moans, and she grows louder as I slide my hand further down her torso.

Shock rolls through the bond and I smirk, cupping her virgin pussy.

A roar thunders in my mind.

I have awakened our dragon, but it is me who will have her first.

I sit at the head of the table that was cut from the volcano of where our kind originates. The long onyx glows with an array of colors, just like our scales, but lava flows through the middle eternally.

“I want an update on the trolls,” I state, staring at Raiden, who is eying me curiously as to why I’m wearing a shirt with a collar that buttons up the front of my throat.

I have to hide Cailian’s mark for now.

“They have stopped in Fog’s Forest.” Raiden taps his claws on the table. “As of an hour ago.”
