Page 24 of Scars on my Heart

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Iris shook her head. "Don't be silly. We both lost something that we thought would last forever. It's difficult, no matter how it happens. I don’t put weight on my story or yours. They are both equal in my mind. Some people would be destroyed if they lived either of our lives."

"This is true. So, what did you do?"

"Well, I had some help from my parents and my sister. We took the time we needed to adjust. This year, I sold the house we had and put that money into the house here. I grew up in Willow Valley, and even though it has changed, I wanted something like it for my boys to grow up in. I didn't want to worry about the influences of the other kids in the schools in the city, and I was afraid with what the boys had been through with their father that it would be easy for them to fall into a dangerous crowd."

"Makes sense. So you moved here."

"We did. The kids have finally started making friends and, for once, have smiles on their faces."

"Well, just like you, Iris, I can be a shoulder should you need anything. I can also help with the boys if you need."

"I'd appreciate that."

We grew quiet as we sat there eating the rest of our dinner. We ordered coffee and dessert, and as I sat across from Iris and looked at this beautiful woman, I wondered deep inside if either of us was ready for a relationship. It saddened me a little, as I was hoping things would be different with her and that maybe we could start something.

"What are you thinking about?" Iris questioned.

"Oh, just about you, your story and mine, and what the future may hold for us."

She smiled as she dug her fork into a large slice of blueberry cheesecake. "What does that look like for you?" she questioned.“The future?”

"Well, as much as I'd like to say I’d like to see you on an ongoing basis, I think perhaps we should just focus on a friendship for now."

Iris nodded. "I think I agree. I think that given your situation and mine, that perhaps friends would be best."

"I'm glad that you didn't take offence to that. I'm really trying to focus on a new normal for Grace and to do the right things. It's hard when there is another little human that you have to consider."

"Don't I know it? I told the boys I was going out with a friend tonight. I was afraid to tell them. I think we just need to focus on one day at a time, and if something progresses between us, then we deal with it then."

"I think that sounds perfectly reasonable."

Iris and I walked hand-in-hand to her car. Once there, she thanked me for a wonderful evening, and we set up our next coffee date and went on our separate ways home.


Since dinner and our mutual agreement to just remain friends, Zach and I had gotten to know one another very well. In those short two weeks we’d had dinner twice, coffee many times, and one evening I’d gone over to his place while the boys were at swim practice to help him choose the paint colour for one room in the inn. Our choice to stay just friends had taken away all the pressures we were putting on ourselves to impress one another.

This morning, I was meeting Zach for our coffee, so after I dropped the boys off at school, I headed into The Crispy Biscuit to find him already sitting in our usual booth. I walked over and sat down to see he had already ordered our coffees and our snacks.

“Sorry I’m late. It was an adventure getting those two off to school this morning. Dylan had a massive attitude,” I said, shrugging out of my sweater.

“Must be something in the air. Grace was full of attitude as well.”

Zach looked exhausted. “How is everything else? You look wiped out.”

“I am. This renovation is taking on a life of its own. My mother has been driving me crazy with more tile and flooring choices and dreaded paint choices. I will not lie, I’m glad to have the place to myself this weekend. Give me some time to think.”

“Oh you too? The boys are going off to my sister’s. It will be wonderful to have the quiet. Plus, I might actually get some time to myself to relax. Read a book or take a hot shower without being barged in on.”

“Best part is, I have no contractors this weekend either, so the house will be quiet as well. What are your plans for relaxation?”

“Well, I was thinking of heading up to that spa. I keep seeing commercials for it, The Oasis Retreat. They have hot and cold plunge pools and a sauna and peace,” I said, getting excited just thinking about it. “The hotel portion is apparently fabulous, walking trails and nature, and the best part, it’s adults only.”

Zach closed his eyes and leaned back against the back of the booth. “Sounds like heaven. I used to love connecting with nature. Haven’t done it in a while, but I sort of remember what it felt like to be grounded.”

I took a minute and thought about inviting Zach. Was it appropriate being we were doing the friend thing?

“I’m not sure if this is crossing a line, but I have a weekend pass for two people that Trinity got when her and Thomas went to this place a couple weeks ago. She gave it to me, thinking I’d be able to use it, so if you’d like, I can call and see if they will give us two rooms. The coupon I have is for one room, double occupancy, but Trinity said they weren’t all that busy, and being they just opened, they were more than willing to offer other options to her and Thomas when they told them they weren’t interested in options that they’d been given with the pass.”
