Page 25 of Scars on my Heart

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Zach sat back and picked up his coffee, taking a sip. I could see he was thinking about it, or perhaps he was trying to decide how to answer me. Maybe it wasn’t his type of thing, or maybe he only wanted to keep our friendship for coffee dates and dinner. I watched his shoulders rise and fall, and then he placed his coffee down and a relieved look came over his face.

“You’re sure I wouldn’t be cramping on your personal time?” Zach asked.

I smiled. I didn’t want to let on that I wasn’t keen on spending the entire weekend alone. I also didn’t want to let on that I’d invited Trinity, but she couldn’t go this weekend as she had plans with Thomas and, well, my sister had already committed to taking the boys.

“You wouldn’t be cramping on my personal time. I wouldn’t have suggested it. It will be a nice getaway for the both of us, and from the looks of you, I think you may need this more than I do.” I giggled.

Zach laughed and winked. “You might be right. Well, see what you can do, and if things seem good, then I’m up for it.”

* * *

I’d tucked Noah into bed and shut off his light and now went into Dylan’s room. It looked like a bomb had gone off in it, clothes everywhere, along with toys. I started picking up the clothes and throwing them into his hamper when he came into his room.

“What are you doing?” he questioned, going over to his bed.

“Cleaning up. I want to get this laundry done tonight so that you can pack in the morning.”

He climbed into bed and watched me for a few minutes.

“What is it, Dylan?” I questioned.

“I don’t want to go to Aunt Beth's this weekend,” he said, crossing his arms.

I shook my head; I wasn’t in the mood to deal with his defiance. He’d been trouble since he’d gotten home with the letter from the principal who was requesting a meeting with me on Monday. Apparently, Dylan was acting out in class, and the teacher had grown tired of it.

“Dylan, look. You are going to see your aunt and uncle. There is no debate about that. Now, why don’t you tell me what is going on at school?” I said, sitting down on the edge of his bed, thinking of that letter.

“There is nothing to tell.”

I frowned. I knew something was going on. I’d gotten a report last week from his teacher that his grades were slipping, and she’d mentioned the attitude as well. He’d also stopped wanting to go to the park to play with the other kids and had made Noah stay home as well.

“Dylan, your teacher and your principal seem to say different.”

He leaned back against his pillow, and suddenly a tear formed in the corner of his eye, which he quickly wiped away before it escaped. I said nothing. Instead, I just watched him because I knew he was about to spill it, and sure enough, he let out a sigh and met my eyes.

“There’s a boy who is picking on me.”

“I see. What is he doing?”

“He found out we don’t have a dad. He’s been saying some really mean things.”

Kids had always been cruel, and it appeared they were no different today than they were when I was in school. Dylan now was in full-blown tears as he lay in his bed, and my heart went out to him.

“Shhhh, it’s okay. It will be alright, okay? I will have a word with the principal and your teacher,” I said, pulling him for a hug.

“He’ll just pick on me more,” Dylan cried.

Now I wished I hadn’t taken the boys out of school tomorrow to go with Beth. Instead, I wished I’d taken that appointment with the principal, but since our rooms were booked at the spa, I hadn’t been able to.

“No, he won’t.”

“He will.”

“Is he in your class?”

Dylan nodded.

“Is it one of the boys you used to play with after school down at the park?”
