Page 41 of Scars on my Heart

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"I'm sorry, Zach. I guess I got caught up in my emotions. It was wrong."

Zach reached out and took my hand in his. "Not wrong. This is new to both of us, and I can only imagine how hard it is to navigate how you are feeling. So, if you want to pass on Sunday, just say the word and we will take it from here."

I shook my head. “No, I want to go.” I gripped his hand tighter and smiled, thankful that he was so understanding. We sat together and talked a little while longer about Sunday, and once his cup was empty, he got up and grabbed his coat.

“Wait.” I held up my finger and got up out of my seat and went to the bottom of the stairs. “Before you go...”

I could still see the boys had their lights on, so I called for them to come down. They both appeared a few moments later and wandered slowly into the kitchen.

"Boys, remember you asked me earlier about the surprise on Sunday?" I questioned.

Both boys looked from me to Zach and slowly nodded their heads.

"Well, Zach and I thought it would be fun if we all went on a picnic down by the water. We can fish and swim and you can get to know Gracie, Zach’s daughter, a little more. What do you say?"

"Really, we can fish?" Noah asked.

I nodded and smiled at them, praying they didn't flip out over the fact that Zach would be going.

"But you can't take a fish off the hook, Mom," Dylan said.

"No, but I think Zach can." I nodded toward him.

Both Dylan and Noah looked over at him and slowly nodded their heads. "Can you take sunfish off? My Dad used to say they were hell," Dylan said.

"Dylan, watch your..."

Zach chuckled and held up his hand, stopping me. "I sure can. And you know what, your dad was right, they are hell. They have those spikes they love to throw just as you grab them. Hurts like hell." Zach winked.

"Can you put a worm on the hook? I can't do it because they squiggle all over," Noah said, moving somewhat like I imagined a worm might.

Once again, Zach chuckled. "Yep, doesn't bother me in the slightest, and you know, maybe I can even give you some pointers and you can try putting one on with me. What do you say?"

Both boys looked over at me and with excitement shouted that they couldn't wait to go.

“Mom, can we go look for our fishing boxes?” Dylan asked.

I nodded. “Sure. I’ll be up in a few minutes.”

They both took off upstairs in search of the small fishing boxes I'd bought them right after their father had passed. That was the fishing trip when I learned there was no way I could put a worm on the hook or take a fish off one.

I turned to Zach and smiled. "Thank you for being so understanding and so good with the boys," I said, meeting his soft blue eyes.

"Of course. I'll be nothing but," he said, standing up, coming over to where I stood, and taking a step toward me, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me in for a hug.

The feelings that flooded my body as his arms went around me filled me with the same heat, I’d felt earlier this morning. I placed my hands against his chest and met his eyes.

"Perhaps I can teach you how to put a worm on a hook and take a fish off," he whispered.

"We will see." I smiled.“I fear I’m not very good at either of those things.”

He leaned down and met my lips with the softest kiss I’d ever felt, then he pulled away and muttered something about seeing us on Sunday. When he went to reach for the door handle, I stopped him. I grabbed his hand and wrapped it back around me, and then stood up on my toes and pressed my lips to his.


I'd just finished folding a load of laundry and went to carry the basket upstairs when I heard a knock on the door. Dropping the basket, I headed toward the door. I had a lot to do if we were going with Iris and the boys tomorrow down to the lake. Sundays were normally house cleaning days, and I needed to switch them around. I pulled the door open without checking to see who was there first and came face-to-face with Valerie.

I glanced at my watch and then pulled my phone from my pocket.
