Page 49 of Scars on my Heart

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“I did. Twice.”

“Last I checked, twice wasn’t in our game plan. It’s been six weeks.”

Did we even have a game plan? When did we form this game plan?

“I just figured after two messages with no response to either, that the answer was clear.”

“Um, the answer isn’t clear until you hear a firm yes or no answer.”

I shifted from one leg to the other, debating on telling her if she was right or not. At this moment, it felt like she might be. Give it another five seconds and I’d be able to tell her just how wrong she was.

“How did the boys take the news?”

I’d said nothing to them immediately after that Sunday. Instead, when they’d ask what the next adventure was, I’d told them we hadn’t planned anything yet. It was easier that way until I heard from him. I was able to use the excuse that he was busy with renovations, that was until they’d come home and said that Grace wasn’t at school anymore. They wondered what had happened to her, so I’d had no choice.

I thought back to night I’d sat them down and told them. I thought back to all the tears both boys had shed after I told them we wouldn’t be seeing Zach anymore. In that one day, they had bonded with him so much, and I couldn’t help but tear up at the thought of their faces.

“Not well. They were both looking forward to doing more fishing trips. It was my fault, honestly. I never should have taken them on that day trip.”

“Why not?”

“I just should have been more careful.”

The phone went quiet. “Iris, you were careful. The man was good for you, which is why I can’t believe you wouldn’t have let him explain.”

“He did.”

“I don’t know about you sometimes. If he explained, then why did you walk away?”

I walked to the car and climbed into the driver’s seat, doing up my belt. I had to be down at the bookstore in a few moments and really didn’t want to get into this with her again.

“He may have been good for me, but the timing was off.”

“Timing? Really, Iris? You told me yourself the man rocked your world. So, tell me, when is the time ever right?”

I let out a sigh. “Where did you hear that crap? When is the time ever right?” I mocked.

“Um, those were the words you said to me when I met my husband.”

I laughed, remembering what I’d told her when she met him. She’d only been broken up with her boyfriend of two years for two days, and he’d come floating on in and swept her right off her feet. She’d called him a rebound, but I knew he was more than that, so I’d thrown the same words at her as she was throwing at me.

“Fine, it’s my fault. He was perfect in every damn way, and it scared the hell out of me.” I sniffled.


“What?” I said, wiping at the tears that ran down my cheeks.

I was petrified. Petrified to get involved with someone again. I’d built up so many walls after Lucas had died, and Zach had been able to break so many of them down in such a short time, it scared the hell out of me.

“Don’t let a good thing go. Text him, call him, talk to him. You owe yourself that much, to at least find out what is going on.”

I glanced at myself in the mirror, grabbed a tissue and wiped away any smudged makeup.

“I’ll think about it. I’ve got to get to work.”

“Alright. Have a good day, and don’t forget to message him.”

“You are impossible,” I said, hanging up.
