Page 5 of Scars on my Heart

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"No problem. Thank you." She softly smiled. "Can I get the name?"

"Zach Thatcher," I responded.

She quickly typed something into the computer and shook her head. "Sir, I'm sorry, but there isn't any record..."

"I mean Grace...Grace Thatcher."

The woman smiled and began typing again when suddenly the store was bathed in darkness. The power had gone out. Everyone was silent, and then a few people began whispering, just as the power came back on.

"Give me a moment, sir. The computer just needs to boot up,"the woman behind the counter said with a smile.

I wanted to scream as my cell phone vibrated in my pocket. I quickly removed my phone and glanced down at the screen, seeing a message from one contractor. Apparently, they were waiting for me to give final approval on something my mother wasn’t sure about.

"Is this going to take long?" I barked.

"I'm sorry, it’s not my fault, sir. I'm trying, but it seems the computer has frozen," she muttered, frowning as she stared at the screen.“This is beyond frustrating.”

I turned my back on her and leaned against the counter, sending a message back to the contractor. I was furiously typing when I felt a light tap on my back.

“Sir, it will only be a few more minutes.”

“You are right, this is frustrating,” I grumbled. Irritated, I went back to my message, and after a few more minutes, I turned back around and watched as she stared at the screen. “Well?”

A few moments passed before she smiled up at me. "Can I get the name again?"

"Grace Thatcher," I growled while replying to yet another message on my phone.

"Okay. I have it here. Looks like it was a few days late. There is a small fee."

"What for? I thought this was a free program."

I shoved my phone back in my pocket and looked over the counter at this beautiful woman who I normally wouldn’t have taken a tone with. She sat there, a look of concern on her face as she studied the screen.

"Sir, as it was explained to you upon signup, the fees that are charged on the late books are directly put back into the reading program. They go to buy books, which enables us to provide more copies to the young reader program. You did sign the disclosure."

I could feel eyes on me, and my phone was vibrating like crazy in my pocket. "How much?" I growled, now seriously irritated as my phone began ringing.

"Three fifty."

I muttered under my breath as I shoved my hand deep into my pocket and pulled out a handful of change and placed it down on the counter. "Three fifty. Pretty steep fine for a book that is only a couple of days late?"

She didn't answer me. Instead, she focused on picking up the change off the counter.

"What if I didn't pay it?"

"Unfortunately, if you didn't pay for it, then Grace could not use the program anymore. Trinity has some strict guidelines pertaining to the program. It not only teaches the young people to read and understand what they read, but it also is in place to help teach them a sense of responsibility."

I slammed my fist down on the counter. "Whatever," I grumbled. “We probably won’t be back.”

“Sir…I’m so—”

I held up my hand, stopping her from saying anything else, and turned, making my way out of the small bookstore. I didn’t want to hear another word. As I climbed into the truck, I answered my ringing phone and pulled away from the curb, screeching my tires. I wasn't sure how this day was going to end, but it had to end better than how it had started.


I was truly at a loss for words as I listened to his screeching tires. I sat behind the counter, staring at the computer screen, fighting back tears. That man just bit my head off in front of everyone in the store, and I had to find some way to compose myself, before I broke down into tears.

"Iris, are you alright?" Trinity asked, holding up her finger to the woman she was serving. "Mindi, just give us a moment."
