Page 6 of Scars on my Heart

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"Sure thing, Trinity. I can continue to browse a few minutes if that is better."


I glanced over at the woman. She had the warmest blue eyes, and I took comfort as she smiled at me. Then she stepped out of line and went back over to the section she'd been shopping in the last ten minutes to give us privacy.

"I'm okay. Nothing like a rude customer to start the day off." I smiled, embarrassed that I'd let someone get to me that badly.

"If you need a minute, my dear, go right ahead and take one. His behaviour was totally unnecessary. There is a pot of fresh coffee in the back, and I think Thomas just dropped off a box of goodies from The Crispy Biscuit. I heard him come in a few minutes ago. Help yourself. They are there for all of us to enjoy."

I nodded, still trying to compose myself in front of the small lines that had gathered in the bookstore.

I wandered to the back of the store and went to the washroom to splash some cool water on my face. I took a couple of minutes to myself, counted to ten, and then stepped back into the hall and into the small kitchen.

It wasn’t like me to get this worked up over someone who was clearly having a bad day, but with the lack of sleep I’d had over the last few months, it didn’t surprise me. I poured a cup of coffee for myself and Trinity and snuck a small cake bite into my mouth, letting the chocolate sweetness soothe me. I grabbed one more, popping it into my mouth before making my way back to the front of the store.

The rest of the day went by with no issues, and as soon as three o'clock hit, I gathered my things, said good night to Trinity and made my way to my car. I'd just climbed inside and had gotten things situated when my cell phone went off. I pulled it from my purse, worried it was the boys, and glanced at my screen, a wave of relief washing over me. It was my sister, just checking in to see how things were going. I quickly texted her back and went to shove my phone back in my purse when it went off again. I looked once again to see that Dylan was messaging.

Dylan: Hey mom. We are home. We are starving. Are there any snacks?

I'd gone grocery shopping the day before yesterday and had stocked up on everything. I'd even bought a few extra snacks for the boys for after school when I was working.

Iris: Yes, in the cupboard beside the fridge. It’s loaded with those granola bars you like.

Dylan: We don't want granola bars.

Iris: Okay, there are apples and oranges in the fridge.

Dylan: Mom

Iris: Alright, what about a peanut butter sandwich split between the two of you?

Dylan: Mom...

Iris: Look, I'm on my way home and will bring pizza. Eat whatever you want. There are chocolate chip cookies in the cupboard. Fill your boots.

I shoved my phone into my purse; I didn't have the patience to fight with them or try to get a healthy snack into them today. It had been a week from hell, and I was exhausted. I started the car and drove down to the pizza parlour where I parked the car and took a quick minute to check my wallet to make sure I had enough cash. Then I climbed out and headed toward The Deep Dish. I was getting closer when my cell phone rang, and I grabbed it from my purse.


"Mom, Dylan won't share the cookies," Noah cried into the phone.

I stopped walking and pinched the bridge of my nose. "What is with you two today? Noah, put your brother on the phone."

"Mom wants to talk to you," I heard Noah singsong in the distance.

"Way to go, doofus!" Dylan yelled.

I listened hard as I heard Noah scream, and then Dylan’s voice came over the phone.

"What, Mom?"

"Did you just hit your brother?" I questioned, feeling very much on edge.

"No, I just took the phone from him."

"Dylan, I’m serious. If I find out you hit your brother, you’re going to be grounded. Now, why are you not sharing with him?”

“I asked him if he wanted some. He said no. So, I ate his...”
