Page 56 of Scars on my Heart

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“Yeah, loosen up,” Dylan said, stepping up beside his brother.

I shook my head at the two of them then turned to help Grace down, while Zach went to pay for parking.

I looked up at the restaurant, The Cellar, and took it in for a moment. It was the newest place in Cedar Landing, and Zach had made us reservations after me obsessively talking about the place for months.

“I still say you are crazy booking this place. It is apparently super expensive. Tristan and Brooke ate here not too long ago. He said it almost broke the bank,” I said as Zach shoved the parking slip in the windshield and locked up his truck.

“Is that why I had to wear these dress pants?” Dylan questioned, looking at Zach. “Because it’s expensive?”

Zach chuckled. “Yes, that is why you look just like I do. It’s a fancy restaurant, and fancy restaurants like you to dress nice.”

When he’d told us he’d made reservations for us, he surprised both boys with a dress shirt, dress pants, and a little tie, Grace with a new dress, and a new dress for me as well.

“They are comfortable. Wonder if I could play baseball in them,” Noah questioned, jumping around.

“Noah, enough. Now straighten up.” I bent to fix his tie and straighten his pants and shirt while shaking my head as he giggled.

“Come on, guys, let’s go. We are going to be late,” Zach said, taking hold of Dylan and Grace’s hand, leaving me with Noah.

I couldn’t help but notice Dylan talking a mile a minute to Zach, but I couldn’t make out what was being said. When I caught up, the chatter stopped. The hostess immediately seated us at a table in the corner by the window. We all took a minute to take in the view.

“I bet we can see all the way to Willow Valley,” Grace said, looking out.

“Wonder if we can find our house,” Dylan questioned, while Zach and I laughed.

“Don’t think so. How about you both sit down and look at the menu,” Zach said, holding a child’s menu for them to look at.

Once we’d ordered, Zach poured us both a glass of wine, and I watched all their faces as I took a sip. Each one of them looked at me with a smirk on their face.

“What?” I questioned.

“She doesn’t see it yet,” Noah said, covering his mouth with his hands and laughing.

I glanced at Dylan, who was rocking back and forth in his chair.

“What is with you two tonight?” I asked. Then I looked over at Grace, who sat there, giving me a mischievous smile.

“Seriously, what has gotten into the three of you?” I questioned again, glancing over to Zach, who also wore a smile. “Okay, the four of you.”

“Nothing.” Grace smiled.

I shook my head and was about to grab my napkin when I saw a white velvet box partially wrapped into the napkin. I looked at the box, afraid to touch it, and then to Zach, who now wore a serious expression on his face.

“What is this?” I questioned nervously.

“Just say yes, Mom.” Noah giggled.

“Whoa, hold on there a minute, champ,” Zach said, taking hold of my hand. “Iris, this may not be the most romantic idea I’ve had, but I know how important the boys and Grace are to you and to me, so I only felt it was right to bring them tonight.

“It’s been a roller coaster since we met—the trials, the uncertainty—but I’d trade none of it. I realized a few weeks ago just how lucky I am to be given a chance at loving again. I am in love with you and your boys. I’ve talked with them, and with Grace, and we all feel the same way. So, I want to ask you…”

I watched as Zach picked up the white velvet box and opened it, producing the most beautiful solitaire ring.

“Will you please be my wife?”

My vision became blurry, and when I blinked, tears ran down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away and met Zach’s eyes.

“Say yes, Mom,” Dylan cried.
