Page 21 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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“Then I’d tell you to go sell your story to Disney because this girl ain’t buying it.”

His sly grin appeared a second later. “Give me time. I’ll convince you.”

“I highly doubt that, but feel free to try. Just don’t be surprised when I find a reason to see if you heal instantly or suffer like the rest. Bet you cut through like butter.”

I put space between us, taking a path closest to the weapons in case I needed one. But Nova didn’t follow. He simply stood in place as I finished my languid stroll along one side of the room before removing a sword adorned with gems and crafted with a red metal blade. The silent demon was suddenly beside me, and it took every bit of my training not to react to him. I’d rather stab myself with this sword than let him think he had any edge over me.

Touching the handle of the sword with beaming red eyes, Nova eased closer. “It’s funny how out of every weapon, this is the one you chose…”

Nova’s gleaming gaze stayed with mine as I turned slightly, inhaling his fresh, intoxicatingly sweet scent. With barely enough space to breathe between us, I controlled my body’s reactions and instead offered the blade we held an inquisitive glance. “What’s so special about it?”

Nova slipped closer, his hand effortlessly wrapping around mine and the handle of the sword while the other took quiet hold of my neck. And just like all those times when I was whisked away to one of his illusions, I didn’t fight him. I hardly moved at all. Again, I surrendered to him like I was always meant to.

“This weapon killed your father…”

And as if what he said hadn’t rattled me to the very core, Nova’s mouth pressed against mine and his tongue pushed past my gaping lips with a passion that rivaled all our shared kisses combined.

Snapping out of the trance of his kiss, I shoved him away, only to get a happy little chuckle in response. What an infuriatingly unbothered bastard this dude was. “Hold on a fucking second. You can’t drop a bomb like that and then kiss me!”

“I just did.” His now green eyes sparkled with amusement, and it was just another reason to despise him with my whole black heart.

“Explain before I use this weapon to do the same thing you did to my so-called father,” I threatened, the blade already pressed dangerously close to his throat.

Honestly, I hoped the charming demon would take me up on my threat.

Cutting through flesh and bone was just the thing I needed right now. Forget an entire condo unit was just destroyed in no time flat, and I’d abandoned the only person I cared about. What I really wanted was blood on the floor and the body parts of my enemies torn from their sockets, their limbs and flesh burned to ash. It was the only thing that’d satisfy this overwhelming rage living inside my head.

Nova didn’t pull away or fight me. As if he expected it. As if it was the exact thing he wanted from me. Instead, he simply smiled and lifted his hands in mock surrender like I didn’t pose a threat at all.

Based on the walls lined with weaponry, ones he’d personally killed several thousand demons with, I was starting to realize how little of a threat I truly was to this ex-lover of Lucifer. More and more, I got the feeling coming here and accepting his less-than-informative proposal to become partners in crime was a huge fucking mistake.

Regret, she’s a right bitch.

Before Nova, I never second-guessed myself. Before Aidan, I never trusted a single man or creature. The South African had made me weak. Hopeful, even. And now I was paying the heavy price—with all his fellow Shadow Stalkers’ deaths and this horribly uncomfortable situation.

Face to face with my demon father’s killer.

Nova cleared his throat before letting his eyes drop to the blade held steadily at his throat. “Your father ruled before Lucifer. He bedded both demon and human alike. You were merely a consequence of his voracious sexual appetite, and only me and a handful of other demons were aware you existed. As previously mentioned, it’s uncommon for humans to carry a half demon to term. And very few survive to come into their powers. Not to mention, a demon’s body would simply terminate and corrupt any and all pregnancies that weren’t fully demon, so it’s even less common among our kind.”

So my supposed dead demon dad was Zeus of the underworld. Great.

Even if I didn’t want to believe him, something in my gut told me he wasn’t lying. It sat in my throat, the very idea I might be the daughter of the previous ruler of Hell. Definitely wasn’t something I’d utter to anyone.

Dear old dad was Satan. Fucking fantastic. Regardless, that little fun-nugget would go to the grave with me.

I eyed the demon, lips thinned. “Still doesn’t explain why you killed him. What he did doesn’t sound too far from the evil demon playbook. Kill everyone. Sleep with everyone. Carnage, sex, and rock ‘n roll, right?”

Nova’s boyish grin threatened to smother my rage, so I lifted my chin and focused on getting the truth out of him. “It was on Lucifer’s orders that I killed him. Before I was…” the green-eyed demon seemed to trail off for a second, the luminous glow of his eyes brightening, “—before I was a demon. Only I could kill him, being what I was. I was wholeheartedly enslaved to Lucifer, and I broke the code to my own damnation.”


Then it clicked.

“Wait a second…” I pieced it all together, but wasn’t totally sure until it left my mouth. “Are you implying you were once an angel?”

“Again, your cleverness astounds me.”

A fucking angel.
