Page 22 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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The red-blade sword I held dropped from his throat as reality hit like a blow to the head. “Dude, no. How does that even make sense? You just up and left the pearly white gates to be with some demon woman? Worse, you let her rule when you killed the Demon King? That doesn’t add up at all.”

Nova’s eyes flashed and his lips lifted into a self-deprecating smile. “Lucifer is one of the most beautiful and powerful creatures to grace Heaven and Hell.” The demon’s eyes danced across my face and down my body. “Until you came into your power, that is.”

I scoffed, not the least bit convinced.

Bastards like him always dropped the perfect lines to get what they wanted, and I wasn’t the least bit won over by it. If anything, I’d grown more skeptical with each passing comment.

“So, she’s pretty and powerful. Ever hear of Helen of Troy? That’s usually how the story goes. You male types are all the fucking same.”

Taking the sword from my hand, Nova returned it to its mount on the wall. “Very astute, little bird. I can’t argue that I was blinded, but Lucifer can be quite persuasive to a weak mind and heart. She convinced me that she would bring balance to good and evil; that she would only punish those truly deserving of it.”

“Let me guess, she lied. That snake…”

He laughed huskily to himself and crossed his thickly corded arms, still appearing immensely powerful in a fitted suit. “She did. Lucifer proved even worse than your father. She killed needlessly and nearly wiped out the human race. And now she’s started a war with the Heavens. The only way to put an end to it is by replacing her with someone who would bring true balance.”

Sighing, I saw where this was all headed. “And you think you’re that person.”

“No,” he answered softly, surprising me.

Hesitant, I glanced at him. “No?”

“It’s my opinion you’d rule with fairness and only punish the truly wicked.”

Had he met me? I punished whoever I wanted. I was hardly the leader type. I didn’t play well with others, and that was proven time and time again when Aidan tried failingly to set me up with one of the team.


Plus, ruling Hell wasn’t really on my to-do list. I’d rather be left alone to torture wicked men and disgusting demons. Playing ruler to the underworld sounded like a lot of work and no play, and that wasn’t the type of girl I wanted to be.

I rolled my eyes and gestured for him to get on with it. “You’re better off playing the lottery than convincing me to rule Hell. I’d rather swallow razor blades or swim in the lava pits of a volcano.”

“Your propensity towards creative imagery never fails to amuse me, Lady.” His face expressed a never-ending amusement to the things I said, and it made me desperate to bash him with the mace nearby. “Well, we’ll leave that discussion for another day. Before that, we need to boost your power. The way you are now, you’d suffer if we went up against anything more powerful than the low demons that cross over to the human realm.”

Licking my lips, I panned the room again. “So what, we bump naughties until I’m powerful enough to take on some strong assholes?”

When I turned my head, Nova was right there, glistening emerald eyes already halfway to red. Like all those times before, his hand easily took the shape of my neck and his head bent forward. This time, I didn’t fight to get away. I let him swoop in. I permitted his soft lips to overpower mine. It was the only route to perfect revenge, and I’d already had enough regrets to fill up a lifetime.

What was one more?


The Cost of Power

UNLIKE OUR DREAMS WHERE I fell into his orbit and let Nova take the lead, in this underground room of death I was the aggressor.

And I definitely liked it that way.

I chased the sexy villain to the floor and took a dominant position above him. My knees sunk into the thick padded floor beside his heavily rising and falling torso, and then I rested my weight on his hips. Tugging off my crop top, I watched the demon lick his lips in anticipation.

Hungry boy.

A small, barely-there groan left his throat when I rubbed against him in curiosity, which told me almost everything I needed to know about the demon under me. The hard rise in his pants told me the rest. Dude was turned the fuck on, and I didn’t mind the superior feeling it gave me. The red and green swirl of his eyes beamed from where he laid under me, and it was addictive how powerful his licentious gaze made me feel.

He didn’t fight me for the top, simply complied, and I enjoyed the power position more than a scuffle with some low demon bastard. Okay, so it wasn’t as cool as slicing and dicing through muscle and flesh, or the blood curdling cries of my enemies before I ended their evil reign, but I wouldn’t complain.

Never in my life had I been so desperate to get someone out of their clothes. Each article of clothing slid over his skin like it was made of the softest, smoothest silk. And because I’d already shed all sense of morality or pretend honor, my mouth tasted every exposed patch like I’d waited forever to do.

Nova wasn’t the only person starving here. I’d sat on this passion for so long it was a real struggle not to demand he get to it and fuck me before a round of foreplay.
