Page 36 of I'm Not His Style

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“The movie will survive. Your reputation might not.”

“And you think Karina is the answer to that?”

“I think whatever helps your image is the answer to that,” she said smoothly.

“Making me look like I’m dating two women at the same time is not going to help my image,” he argued.

“You’re paying me to handle your image, Rhett. Trust me and let me do my job.”

He blew a frustrated huff through his nose but didn’t argue further. What were they trying to cover up and get ahead of? It almost seemed like he’d done something unsavory, and they were preparing for the mud to hit the fan.

That unpleasant thought didn’t hit right. Like a chink in the otherwise flawless ice—a possibility that Rhett might not be as perfect as I’d built him up to be in my head.

The car came to a stop, and Jax climbed out, then opened the door for Rhett, and we all filed out after him. I stuck with Adalyn, passing the throngs of people waiting way too early in the morning to spot the celebrity. And the celebrity made their early morning wake-up worth it. Rhett pasted a smile on his face and greeted his fans, signing shirts and taking selfies. I looked at him over my shoulder before disappearing into the building, and it was crazy how much of a change he’d made from the frustration in the car to now. You would never know that he had been so upset less than sixty seconds ago.

The swift change he’d made and how believably he’d done it kind of rocked me a bit. Rhett could cover his emotions so well, it was impossible to know what was real and what wasn’t. Was his expression in the photo with Karina fake? Could the man seriously contrive such satisfaction and quiet contentment?

I showed my driver’s license and got my badge. One of the show assistants led us into Rhett’s dressing room, and I set up my makeup case while we waited for him to join us.

Adalyn leaned against the counter and tapped on her phone. “Rooftop Joe’s has nothing online. I’ll need to call when they open.”

“Wait, you’re still getting the reservation? Doesn’t Rhett get to decide whether he wants to go on the date or not?”

She didn’t look up. “If he doesn’t want to go, he won’t go. If I don’t get the reservation, though, I’m not doing my job.”

That made sense, but I didn’t like it. Was I the only person who found the control other people had over Rhett’s life a little ridiculous? “Why does he do everything Bridget says, even when he doesn’t agree? She only cares about his image.”

Adalyn looked up from her phone. “She’s not evil. Rhett pays her to make these decisions for him because he cares about his image. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t listen to her.”

She made a good point, I supposed.

The next hour was a flurry of assistants in and out of the room after Rhett arrived. I did his hair and makeup and prepared him to go on set. When he was completely ready, he sat on the couch in the corner of the room with Bridget and went over the list of questions the show had provided.

Adalyn left to get breakfast for everyone, and Bridget took a pen to their list of questions, slashing and notating it. “You have ten minutes, Rhett,” she said, rising. “We’ll leave you.” She gave me a look that indicated I needed to leave too, before walking from the room.

I hurried to finish clearing my station.

“Where is Sunny Nash and her meditation when you need them?” Rhett said.

I tossed the final sponge back into my case and snapped it shut. “I would offer to get her on FaceTime for you, but I don’t have her number. She does have mine, though.”

Rhett’s eyebrows lifted. “Why does she have your number?”

“She liked what I did in San Francisco, so she had her assistant get my information. I haven’t heard from her since, though, so she’s probably forgotten me by now.”

“I doubt it. She has a lot going on.”

“Funny, someone said the same thing about you recently.”

He looked up sharply. “Why would they say that?”

I gestured around me. “Because youdohave a lot going on.”

“Not as much as Sunny.”

“Oh, Sunny. I love her.” I sighed. “I wish I was the calming influence she was so I could help you, but I’m not. I’m a little too spastic for meditation. But Ihavetried.”

“Spastic? I wouldn’t call you that.” He grinned. “Sunny taught me a few breathing techniques I could pass on if you need them.”

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