Page 59 of I'm Not His Style

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“If you’re wanting to talk iconic American movies, then you’d better be prepared to pull your fighting gloves on. I don’t take the subject very lightly.”

He took my hand, and I was assailed by a rush of warmth.

“You were serious about walking?” I asked. “Not even taking a cab?”

“I looked it up. The subway will be faster.”

“Whoa, now you’re really slumming it down here with the normal people. Fair warning: it stinks down there. And the floor is sticky. And yesterday when I took the subway back from my failed Empire State Building attempt, I had to stand because there were no seats and lots of people pressed into me from all sides.”

He laughed. “Ihaveridden it before. I haven’t always used car services to get around.”

“Since you became famous in your youth, I didn’t imagine you had much normalcy in your childhood.”

“That’s true.” He tapped his mustache. “But this little baby has had some good mileage.”

I eyed it warily. “Thatspecific baby?”

“Well, no. But ones exactly like it.”

“That’s something of a hygienic relief.”

“Says the hairstylist. Most people probably wouldn’t even care.”

“Yes, I have a thing for hair cleanliness. Since I am responsible for your hair for the next few weeks, I’d think you would appreciate that.”

He squeezed my hand and led me down a set of stairs to the subway entrance. We paid, went through the turnstile, and found our train. Maybe it was the time of evening or the direction we were heading, but the train was surprisingly empty. Rhett sat close to me, his leg pressing into mine. I hummed with the energy of new feelings and old love combining in an explosion of emotion. Rhett didn’t kiss like just anyone. He kissed as if he’d done his research. As if he had a PhD in it. As if he’d won the Oscar for most swoony kiss ever.

To be fair, his best-actor trophy forThe Right Side of Meprobably had been for that exact skillset.

Rhett’s signals were screaming that he liked being near me, and every moment with him made me excited. This was literally all my dreams from the last decade coming true.

Rhett spread his knees a little, bending forward to rest his elbows on his thighs.

“Smart move,” I said. It was a good position to hide his face. “No one will notice you now.”

He leaned toward me and whispered, his breath tickling my ear. “You know, I won’t have to bother trying to hide if you announce to the whole car that I’m hiding.”

I bumped his shoulder with mine. “Sorry.”

He pulled his phone out of his pocket, and a text waited for him. He read it, and I did my best to not sneak a peek.

“My sister is babysitting my dog,” he said quietly, pulling up the text and turning the phone toward me. It was a picture of his bulldog in a bandanna that sported avocados. “She dresses him in the weirdest stuff.”

“He looks adorable. Do you always leave Tank with her when you travel?”

He eyed me. “I never told you his name.”

“You didn’t have to. I do follow you on social media, you know.”

Rhett directed his attention back to his phone, opened his Instagram app, and searched my name.

“You won’t find it under Beth Parker. Search Bethany.”

“That’s pretty.” He found my profile and followed me. “Does anyone call you that?”

“Only my mom and sometimes my best friend, but not really. I’m pretty much Beth to everyone.”

“Then why choose your full name as your handle?”
