Page 70 of I'm Not His Style

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I slipped on my sandals and a simple black T-shirt. I didn’t pack a lot of options, and most of them needed to hit the washing machine, but Rhett had pretty much seen me in everything I’d brought already. I brushed my hair and spritzed it with texture spray, fluffing it a little.

Rhett was behind the driver’s seat when I got down to the car, which surprised me. I pulled out my phone and sent him a text.

Me:Can you step out of the car, please?

I watched him read the text. He rolled down the passenger-side window. “Is everything okay?”

I lifted one of my eyebrows and made a gesture to indicate that he should get out of the car.

Rhett looked confused, but he complied. He removed his seatbelt and slipped from the driver’s seat. I slid my phone into my back pocket. He wanted enthusiasm? He was going to get it. I threw my hands in the air and made an excited squeal, trying not to be too loud because I didn’t want to drive too much attention toward us. The underground parking garage looked empty, but you never knew. I ran around the car and leaped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and holding on to his back.

Rhett understood the assignment. He laughed, the rumble reverberating through me, while I grinned.

“How’s that for enthusiasm?”

“This needs to be our new regular greeting style,” he said.

“That won’t draw any unwanted attention to us at all.” I was a little higher than him, and I had to look down into his face, which was a novel experience. His eyes were so blue and clear, even in the fluorescently lit parking garage. With Rhett holding me up, I knew I wasn’t going to fall, so I ran my fingers over the sides of his face and bent down to kiss him.

“We need to add that to our greeting too.”

He set me down on my feet again. I walked around the car to let myself into the passenger side.

“It’s official,” he said, sliding into his seat. “You run to me, or I won’t acknowledge you.”

I laughed because he could not be serious, and I knew that. “So, no Chad tonight?”

He closed the driver’s door and buckled his seat belt. “I don’t think we can really get into much trouble here.”

We took off down the dark road. Old buildings lined the sides of the street and gave way to modern hotels once we reached what looked like downtown Fort Worth.

“Where are we heading?” I asked.

“It might be nothing, but according to the internet, this is one of the things you can’t miss when you’re here. It’s called the Water Gardens.”

“It’s open this late?”

“I think it’s basically a giant fountain.” He shot me a grin. “It was hard to narrow down a Texas city since there were so many to choose from. Prince Harry visited Fort Worth a little while ago, and they did a fantastic job of keeping his presence under wraps until he left. I think Bridget liked that, since she has a thing for British royalty, so he probably swayed her opinion.”

“I just thought she had a thing for the rodeo.”

He shot me a questioning glance, missing my joke. “She didn’t even go. But Prince Harry went to it when he visited, so that probably explains why we’re here.”

“No problem with me. I thought the cows at the Stockyards were so cute.”

“We’ll see what we think of their water garden too.”

He pulled over on the side of a dark road. “It says it’s here.”

Everything looked deserted. A dark-windowed law school sat across the street, and the streets were bare. We got out of the car and followed the map on Rhett’s phone until we heard the sound of trickling water. We turned the corner to see it.

The fountain—if it could even be called that—was enormous. I guess everything really was bigger in Texas. It was like a large bowl that an entire McDonalds could fit into, and the sides were flat instead of curved.

Big blocks jutted up like stepping stones from ground level down to the very bottom where all the water was pooling, running down the sides like a waterfall in every direction. It was the weirdest, coolest fountain I’d ever seen.

“Should we go down there?” Rhett asked, reaching for my hand.

I slipped my fingers through his. “Yes.”
