Page 85 of I'm Not His Style

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“Beth, don’t be like that.”

“I’m not being like anything. I was really stupid for believing the connection between us was real.”

“The connectionwasreal.”

“Says the man who couldn’t trust me.” I laughed, sounding like a Disney villain. I guess that was pretty fitting, since he was once a Disney prince.

“Can we talk about this tomorrow?” he asked. “Bridget has been talking circles around me all evening, and my head is pounding. I can’t focus.”

I was momentarily guilted, but it had been his choice to work with her instead of talking to me earlier. “I’m sorry you feel that way. Maybe next time you should tell Bridget howyouwant things to go.”

“If I did that, what would be the point of Bridget?”

“She can’t do her job unless she’s controlling your life?”

“That basically is her job.”

“Her job is your image and your publicity. But she rules your entire life. And you let her.” I shook my head. The dishonesty had magnified, compounding until it became so convoluted that I couldn’t tell what was real and what was acting. Rhett chose this life, but unless he also chose me, there was no point in sticking around anymore. “Don’t call me tomorrow. I don’t want to talk anymore. I don’t want to be part of that.”

Rhett grew still. “You understood that she was a huge part of this before anything between us ever happened, so it’s a little unfair now for you to tell me that.”

“No, I think you need her help, and she’s clearly been helping, because the media hasn’t even gotten wind of your dad yet. She obviously knows what she’s doing. This entire charity tour will probably help you immensely. But making you date Karina, not letting you break up with Karina, determining what happens now that everyone believes you’re a big cheater? You should have a say in how those things are handled.”

“I want her to handle them, or I wouldn’t be paying her.”

I should have believed Adalyn when she said that to me weeks ago. “That’s your choice, Rhett, but I won’t be anyone’s secret. I’m tired of hiding, and I don’t want to lie anymore. It feels wrong. This thing between us has to be real and public, or it can’t be anything at all.”

“If we come out publicly now, all of Bridget’s hard work will be for nothing.”

He was really choosing her over me? He was unwilling to choose the honest path after everything his dad had done? He wasn’t the man I hoped he would be, and it cut through me in a hot slice. “I guess we’re over, then. I hope everything works out, and you and Karina have a lovely, fake life with fake babies and a cute little house with a fake picket fence. If you ever decide that you don’t want someone else to dictate your entire life, I’ll be happy for you. But don’t bother calling.”

He looked like I’d slapped him with my words. “I need Bridget. That’s part of life with me. If you can’t accept that, then I have to agree with you. This really was just a fling.”

Fling. My heart broke in half. I stood there trying to breathe, blinking back tears. I didn’t want to cry and show weakness in front of him right now, not when I was so angry with him. I knew he needed a publicist, but he didn’t have to give her free rein.

Compassion fell over his face, and he took a step forward, but I mirrored him and took a step back. “Don’t worry, I’m leaving.” I turned to go.

Rhett reached for my hand, but I pulled it from his grip.

“No, wait,” he said. “I don’t want things to end like that.”

“I don’t think either of us said anything we didn’t mean.” I stood across from him, watching his tired eyes, wishing he would follow me. Fight for me. Doanythingto prove he was different.

Rhett sighed. “Let’s get some sleep. It’s late. We’ve had too many late nights, and now isn’t the time to figure all this out. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

He wouldn’t though, because I didn’t plan on pursuing this conversation. I planned on getting sleep, going home, and returning to my regularly programmed life. Disappointment surged through me.

“Goodbye, Rhett.”

He looked on the verge of speaking, but nothing came out. I waited a few more seconds before I couldn’t bear to wait longer. Then I turned and walked away, my heart shattering into a million pieces.

Chapter Twenty-Four

When I woke up acouple hours later to a text from Adalyn with Rhett’s room number, I had to smile. I had thought I found a true friend in her, and the fact that she was willing to risk her job so I could talk to Rhett meant a lot to me.

I was tempted for a second to go to his room and try to talk to him one more time, but the fact remained that he hadn’t chosen me. My pride stung after learning about what Liam had asked him to do too. I appreciated where his heart was at, but I didn’t want to be a charity case. I wanted to prove myself worthy of taking a chance on.

The plane was overcrowded, and I sent Adalyn a text when I reached my first-class seat.
