Page 49 of Bossy Billionaire

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Seeing my future in her hands.

Knowing this wasn’t the end of us…

It was only the beginning.



“You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.” —Barbara De Angelis

After we finished the photo shoot, I needed a few minutes to gather my emotions and thoughts. I couldn’t tell what was fact or fiction as the photographer snapped a million photos of us. I couldn’t believe how real it looked to see our pictures on the camera.

Love was written all over our faces. In my mind, it was fake, but seeing it in front of me, it appeared very much genuine.

I hated that this was happening.

I hated that I was allowing it to happen to begin with.

I hated that he lied.

But mostly…

I just hated that the line I drew when it came to us was being stretched to the max, and my boundaries blurred in ways I never expected them to, giving him exactly what he wanted.

After I changed into my black pencil skirt that had a slit up the side and a silk collared shirt, I walked back into the living room and found them in mid interview. I turned around to leave and give them some privacy.

“Miss Locke,” Jenna, the interviewer, called out. “I’d love for you to join us for some questions.”

I spun, meeting her nosy gaze. “I’d love to,” I lied, dreading every second of what was about to go down.

“Lovely.” She beamed.

I sat at the dining table, smiling at the camera.

“This is amazing! Miss Locke?—”

“Please, call me Capri.”

“Alright, Capri.” She gestured toward me with her hand. “Can I just say that you’re more stunning in person than in the press? Pictures don’t do you justice.”

I smiled. “Thank you.”

Elias gripped my leg under the table, making me jolt from his unexpected touch too close to my inner thigh. He chuckled, and I made up an excuse for why I was so jittery.

“Too much coffee,” I giggled in that charismatic sort of way that would have her eating it up.

I was aware of how to deal with the press—one was from my career, and the other was from being the daughter of Julian and Autumn Locke.

He didn’t remove his hand, and I resisted the urge to smack it off as he stated, “Beauty has always been breathtaking. From the first time I saw her, I was head over heels for her.” Elias only looked at me as he disclosed that.

“What’s your favorite physical trait about her, Mr. Sinclair?”

He nodded to my face. “Those enticing freckles.”

“Aw… most men would have said something about her perfect body.”

“I love that too.”
