Page 131 of Phoenix's Refrain

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“You would need a lot of magic,” Cadence said. “You’d need to channel more magic at once than has ever before been done in the history of the world.”

“If only we could move the Guardians to a place with very little magic,” I lamented. “So our magic is stronger.”

“I know where you’re going with this, Leda,” Cadence said. “Except that you need to remember that in such a place, the Guardians’ powers would be stronger too. And, anyway, the Guardians are very firmly rooted on the Earth nowadays; long ago, they moved here from another world. Their Sanctuaries lie in the plains of monsters, just in another dimension, slightly removed from our own.”

I talked this through aloud. “The plains of monsters were created when the gods and demons made a fuss and brought their immortal war here.”

Cadence nodded. “That violent clash of deities was an act of profound magic. The clash of light and dark. It was the magic catalyst that brought us the plains of monsters, forever changing the course of Earth’s history.”

“And something about that clash of magic allowed the Guardians to create their Sanctuary too,” I said.

“If you could create another universe-changing event like the birth of the plains of monsters, that might give you enough magic to perform your spell, Leda. And find the Guardians,” Arina suggested.

“So I only need to find a way to change the course of the world’s history? Oh, is that all?” I laughed in despair. “No biggie then.”
